That was interesting

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"Hello little wolf." The man she had been wishing to see again was now standing in front of her. Was this real? Was the Asgardian wine making her trip or something? How was he here. If the other see him, if Tony sees him, shits going to go down.

"I seen you found my gift. A crown suits you."

"I had a feeling it was you. Thank you."

"With that beautiful pendant around your neck still I was surprised to see you kissing my brother. Didn't peg him as your type." Loki wore a sly grin and he stalked closer to Angie.

"He kissed me." Angie could barley breathe.

"So you did not wish for it to have happen then?"

"I have no interest in Thor."

"That doesn't answer my question little wolf." He was slowly walking around her.

"No. I didn't want him to kiss me."

"Good to know."

"Why me?"

"I beg your pardon?"

"Why me? Why give me, a complete stranger power like that for no reason." These questions have been eating her alive. She wanted answers.

"You little wolf, have been the first thing to spark my interest in quite some time. That night when I noticed you in the club I knew you were different. Not like these other pathetic mortals."

"Different how?"

"I could feel your need for power. You had your selfish reasons for wanting power but you wanted it to help people as well. But your not one to take bull shit and I know you wouldn't be a worthless hero like my brother and his idiotic friends."

"They are not worthless. They are good people."

"Boring people."


"Yes little wolf?" The way he looked at her was making her melt.

She would do anything to stay there the rest of the night with him but she knew someone would come by and ruin it. Tegan or Stark would come to find her sooner or later. She tried to get inside Loki's head. She wanted to read his thoughts but she couldn't. It was if there was a wall up keeping her out. She has never had trouble getting into people's heads. Half the time she was reading people's minds with out even trying. It got pretty annoying. But now she was a bit mad she couldnt get into his. What's so different now that's stoping her from doing it.

The next thing Angie did shocked the hell out of herself. Without another word she closed the distance between them and kissed Loki. And what shocked her even more was that he kissed her back. She thought he would have pulled away but he just pulled her closer instead. Angie may have kissed him first but he took control of the situation and deepened the kiss. Her hands found their way into his hair and his wrapped around her waist. They stayed there like that just kissing for what felt like hours to Angie. She couldn't believe it was actually happening. Then out of nowhere he pulled away and disappeared in his green light.

"Loki what the hell?" Angie said to the air around her. No sooner as the words left her mouth the balcony doors banged open. It was a breathless Tegan.

"Oh my fucking god. Angie you will never guess who I just met. Oh my god I'm going to die. I can't breathe. I'm freaking out man." Tegan was pacing in front of her best friend and flailing her arms around.

"Dr. Strange?" Angie just rolled her eyes at her.

"How did you know? Are you in my head again? You promised to stay out. Oh what do I care right now. I met fucking Dr. Strange! We actually had a conversation. He shook my fucking hand. Angie I'm going to die."

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