The moring after

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Angie was sad Loki just ditched but she wasn't shocked either. His sent still lingered in her apartment and she couldn't get enough of it. She crawled out of bed a bit sore from last night and walked over to one of her floor to ceiling book cases. She scanned the shelves until she found the spell book she thought the spell she needed would be in. She pulled a fairly new book off the shelf and flipped through the pages. She stopped on a chapter about candles. She went around her room pulling jars off different shelving until she had everything the book said she needed. After mixing together the ingredients and saying a few words in an old forgotten language the air around her began to move. Then with a puff of purple smoke a candle lay in front of her. She picked it up and lifted it to her nose to smell it.

"Hmmm. Just right." She smiled at her self pleased she captured Loki's sent in a candle first try.

"What's just right? And what's with all the bruises?" Angie jump startled by Tegan. She was the only person that could still sneak up on Angie after she turned.

Angie was still buck ass naked so all the marks Loki left on her were on show for Tegan. She didn't really care her friend let herself into her apartment it was normal for them. She didn't care much either that she was standing in front of Tegan naked. They were best friends for years this wasn't the first time she seen Angie naked and probably won't be the last.

"Here smell this what do you think?" She held the candle up to Tegan's face.

"It's the same sent that's all over your room. Wait is that Loki's sent? Was he here? Holy fuck the bruises are from him aren't they? You guys fucked?" Tegan was practically screaming but Angie didn't worry about it. One of the first things she did when she moved in was magically sound proof her entire apartment.

Angie just hummed at her and started putting away all the stuff she had taken out for the spell. Tegan watched her best friend as she moved about the room. Angie seemed different. It was like a weight was lifted off her shoulders. Just the way she moved now seemed more alive and happy then just the other day. Angie always walked around like there was a dark cloud over her head. After Angie got her powers she lightened up a little but nothing like this. Tegan couldn't believe that one night with a guy changed her friends attitude so much.

"You need to get laid more." Tegan said giggling and she plopped down on Angie's bed. No sooner as her butt hit the mattress she jumped right back up. "Ew gross I forgot you had sex here last night. I am not sitting on that."

Angie waved her hand and the bed sheets changed to new ones and she was now fully clothed as well. Tegan sprawled out on the bed. After Angie had put everything back into place she joined Tegan.

"So when is Daryl coming home?" Angie asked her friend while hugging one of her stuffed animals that live on her bed.

"No no we are not talking about Daryl right now. I want details. Hot and sweaty details." Angie did as she was asked and told Tegan about her night. When she finished she showed the bracelet on her wrist to her best friend.

"Wow it matches perfectly to your necklace. Good thing you like snakes." Tegan laughed as she traced the snakes body around Angie's wrist with her finger.

"Sorry to bother you girls but Tony is looking for you. He's in the main living room." A disembodied female voice spoke to the two girls.

"Thanks Friday. Tell Tony we will be up in a second. Please." Angie said while looking up towards the ceiling.

"I'm on it." Friday replied back.

The girls got up and made their way to the main living room. When they arrived only Tony and Thor were in the room. Thor was laying on the couch watching TV and Tony was busy on his laptop. Neither of the boys noticed the girls walk in. A bit of purple smoke wrapped around Angie's hand and once it cleared away a pillow was left in its place. She chucked it at Tony.

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