The change

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After the man Angie now believes to be Loki left she went running back into the club. 'Do I really believe that guys was Loki? As in the god Loki. From Asgard. Another planet. The same guy well god that attacked New York forever ago. But then he did help with Thanos. But didn't he get himself killed in the process? How was he alive. Why was he here. Why do I think that was really him? Because he had green magic and he complimented my necklace? That's not enough. Or is it? How could he be alive?' Her mind was racing and she gave herself a headache by time she found Tegan.

"Where the hell did you go? I went to get a drink and when I came back you were just gone." You could still see the panic in Tegan eyes.

"Come on I'll explain in the car." Angie said while still trying to catch her breath. Tegan lead the way, she was happy to get out of there. Crowds weren't her thing. Hell people weren't her thing. Angie was one of the very few people she could tolerate.

Angie was taping her fingers on the steering wheel. She was trying to figure out exactly what she was going to tell Tegan and what she was just going to keep to her self. Tegan offered to drive home since Angie seemed so off but Ang doesn't let anyone drive the Impala. It's her baby.

"So uh you going to tell me what the hell is going on with you orrrrr?" Angie hadn't said anything the entire ride and didn't respond to Tegan's question either. So Tegan just started poking her. Egging her on.

"Tegan I swear to the gods if you don't stop poking me I'll bite your damn finger off." She gave Tegan hard core side eye.

"Swear to the gods? Okay I know you were into that stuff because of your grandfather and when Thor first came here you got excited but then you chilled. When did you start saying shit like that?" Tegan looked at her best friend a little concerned.

"When I met one. I started talking like that when I met one. It was one thing to kinda believe in them when Thor got here but when you actually meet a god it's kind of different." Angie's knuckles where turning white with how tight she was griping the steering wheel.

"I'm sorry but you met a god? Like Thor? Holy fuck did you meet Thor?" Dr. Strange was Tegans favorite from the Avengers but Thor was a close second.

"No it wasn't that oaf. I... I think it was Loki." Angie was fiddling with her necklace

"Ang hun he's dead remember."

"He's a trickster. He died before. Thor said he died before and he came back."

"Ya but Ang it was Thanos."

Ang actually looked over at her finally. "Trickster."

"How do you know it was him?"

"Just do."


Angie threw the car in park and sighed. She didn't say another word until they both were inside the house and on the couch. Angie basically said fuck it and told Tegan everything. From the drunken asshole to the magic apple. Saying it out loud made Angie feel kinda dumb. Like did that actually happen. Was it really him.

"So you just bit into it. No hesitation. No thought if it was poison."

"A poison apple Tegan. Really? How cliche. And no I thought about that. If he wanted me dead he could have done something quicker and easier then poison."

"D-did you stop to really think about what becoming a tribrid would mean?"

"No. I didn't have to. I always wanted to be a tribrid since I found out what they where. I never believed they could be real but hey gods and aliens are real so why can't vamps and  weres be real. We know witches or some form of witches are real. Like your Dr crush."

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