Lets see what you got.

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"But brother wouldn't you want me to show you around our home? Not a stranger?" Thor was following Loki around like a lost puppy.

"Sorry Thor but she's prettier than you. And a lot more interesting." Loki swung his arm around Angie's shoulders.

Thor hung his head in defeat and walked away. Poor Thor he's been so moppy lately. Angie thought to her self that she needed to do something to cheer him up later. But before she could do that she needed to show Loki around.

Angie led Loki around the entire compound. She showed him every room and explained what they used each one for. When they walked up to one of the training rooms Loki walked in. Angie wasn't planning on actually taking him in the room but followed him in anyway. Loki stopped in the middle of the room and looked around.

"Loki you okay? I have more to show you out that way." Angie pointed behind her to the hallway.

"I want to see what you can do." Loki said turning towards her.


"That power I gave you. I want to see what you have learned to do with it." Loki's armor appeared on him in a flash of green light. Horned helmet and all.

"You want to spar with me?"

"Yes little wolf." And with that he initiated the fight by throwing a dagger right at Angie's face.

She quickly caught it with her fingers inches away from her face. She started to walk toward the opposite side of the room and as she did her own battle gear appeared on her body. Her getup was similar to Natasha's. Simple all black body suite. The big difference tho was Angie's had a wolf head painted on her back.

Before Angie stopped walking Loki came at her with daggers in both hands. She quickly rolled out of his way then kicked his feet out from underneath him. Before he could get up she pounced on him holding his arms above his head and straddling his waist.

"Well that was easy." She giggled at him. Then she noticed she fucked up. From behind her a hand wrapped around her throat.

"Your to quick to claim victory darling." The second Loki behind her whispered in her ear.

The clone pulled her off the Loki on the floor and flung her to the ground on the other side of the room. When she looked up the clone was gone and only one Loki stood in the room watching her intently.

"Well if you want to play like that." Angie's eyes changed as she spoke.

She stood from the ground only for her body to start contorting in painful looking ways. It took Loki a minute to realize what she was doing. Then in a matter of seconds Angie was no longer standing in front of Loki. In her place stood a huge black wolf with bright blue eyes. Angie's eyes. The wolf was so tall it looked Loki in the eyes.

Withought hesitation Loki went at it. But instead of landing his hit the wolf grabbed him by his midsection with its mouth and tossed him back across the room. He was surprised when he stood up that he didn't have any cuts on him from the wolfs teeth. She was only playing with him, she had no intention to truly hurt him.

Loki realized with Angie in this form he couldn't fight her successfully hand to hand. So he switched tactics and started throwing magic at her. She sprinted out of the way and as she ran she shifted back to human. Right before the turn was complete purple smoke surrounded her. When the smoke cleared she was back to her human self fully clothed. Normally when she shifted back from her wolf form her clothing would be ripped to pieces, she learned rather quickly how to fix that.

Loki and Angie where in the training room for a good three hours attcking each other with magic and weapons. Their fighting styles where very similar. Angie was a bit slower then Loki and didn't have as good of control over her magic as he did. He thought that with a bit of practice and teaching from himself she could become a worthy appoint. Possible even stronger. That part didn't make him happy.

They finally tired them selves out and headed to the main kitchen for water and a bit of food. Angie raided the fridge while Loki just waved his hands and made what he wanted appear in front of him. Angie slammed the fridge with disappointment.

"We're out of the good blood agin. All that's left is gross. Ugh." She pouted and started going through the cabinets.

When Angie turned back around to face Loki his arm was outstretched towards her and his sleeve was rolled up. She looked in his eyes as if asking permission and he just nodded his head. Without a word she held onto his wrist and pulled it up to her mouth. She sunk her fangs into his cold flesh and they both let out a quite moan. As she drank from him he used his other hand to stroke her hair.

Angie heard somebody walking down the hall towards the kitchen so she quickly pulled away. Loki lifted his hand above his wound and green light flashed over it. When he pulled his hand away the wound was gone and just in time to because Thor and Tony walked in.

"What's going on?" Tony asked.

"Nothing because someone didn't get me the blood they promised." Angie flipped Tony off.

"I'm working on it. It should be here tomorrow. If the three of you didn't drink half the supply in a matter of days it be easier." Tony said flipping her off in return.

"If you let us compel people we wouldn't go through so much."

"The three of you?" Loki questioned Angie.

"After I got my powers my best friend and her boyfriend asked me to turn them. We're family, they didn't want me doing this alone." Loki just nodded to her replay.

"So did you show reindeer games where he'll be staying?" Tony looked over at Angie.

"No, simply because I don't know where he will be staying." Angie replied crossing her arms against her chest.

"There's an empty apartment across from yours, I guess he can stay there." Tony said shrugging his shoulders.

"You could stay with me." Thor suggested.

"I'll take the apartment." Loki said not even looking at his brother.

'Be nice.'  Angie thought telepathically to Loki. He just gave her side eye.

"I'll show you the way." Thor boomed. Before Loki could protest Thor wrapped his arm around Loki's shoulder and dragged him off.

"So how was showing reindeer games around?" Tony asked leaning on the counter next to Angie.

"It was fun actually. When we got to the training rooms we spared for a few hours. It's cool practicing with someone else who has magic."

"You know I can always call Strange or Wanda up. They would be more then happy to help you out. You don't have to be around that ass hole."

"No Tony it's alright. Loki is actually pretty cool."

"Your fucked in the head."

Angie punched Tony in the arm playfully. That ended up causing them to full on play fight. They finally stopped when Angie fell into a glass end table and broke it.

"Way to go tin head. Look what you made me do." Angie laughed while brushing glass off her clothing.

"Your the one who fell. Your fault not mine." Tony said poking her.

"What happen is everything okay when heard a bang." Thor yelled as he and Loki ran in the room.

"Ya were fine Angie just has to left feet." Tony was laughing while Angie just flipped him off.

Loki disappeared back down the hallway with only Angie noticing.

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