It's party time people

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Tony lead the way into the party. Tegan and Angie where in the back of the group. It may be her party but Angie didn't want to be there. Her hatred for crowds only grew when she got her power's. The vampire and werewolf enhanced hearing combined made crowds a nightmare for her. And to top it off the witch in her could read minds and the off button didn't always work for that. Some of her witchy powers were harder to control then the others.

Magic is a crazy and unstable element. She needed to learn to control it better but she wasn't really friends with any magic wielders and her books weren't helping much. Angie could always ask Tony to call up Dr. Strange but if he showed up at the tower Tegan would probably keel over. And with everything else going on she didn't want to deal with a drooping Tegan and a jealous Daryl.

Tony managed to drag Angie on stage and was able to keep her there during his entire long ass speech. He introduced her as the Wolf. It was her quote on quote superhero name. Tony then went on to explain her powers in as little amount of detail as possible. He told them storys of the missions she had helped on so far and even some funny storys of her living in the compound with them.

When he was finally done talking he waved over a waitress who was holding champagne glasses on a tray. There was one for each member of the team that was up on stage and even one for Tegan. The only difference was Angie's and Tegans glasses were full of blood instead of champagne. After the team raised their glasses and toasted Ang and Tegan tried to run off but Tony stopped them. He forced Angie to take press photos before she could go do her own thing. Tony even dragged Tegan into some.

When the girls could finally escape Tony and the press they ran for one of the empty balconies. It was the middle of winter and snowing which was why the balconies were empty but the cold didn't bother vampires. Angie waved her hand and two elegant lounge chairs appeared in front of them. Tegan crawled up on one and Angie sat down next to her on her own chair.

"Don't get me wrong it was nice of Tony to get us glasses of blood but it just doesn't taste the same as tap." Tegan said while staring up at the star speckled sky.

"We could always compel a few people so we can get a real drink." Angie said unconsciously flashing her fangs.

"Nah to may camera's. Tony would kill us if the press seen that."

"Your not wrong there T."

With Angie's super hearing she could tell Tony was getting closer to their hiding spot. She contemplated telling Tegan they should move but she didn't have the heart to run from Tony all night long. Not long after that the balcony doors banged open. Tony was already a little tipsy.

"It's party time people! What the hell are you doing out here? Come on lets go do some shots." Tony exclaimed.

The girls sighed in unison but got up and followed him anyway. The girls did the shots with Tony and then Thor offered some of his Asgardian wine. The wine Thor gave them was a hell of a lot stronger then what they were used to and they weren't expecting it. Now pleasantly buzzed the girls were dancing the night away. Tony and the other Avengers joined the girls on the dance floor. Thor was jumping around like a complete fool.

Since Angie turned she had grown more confident in every aspect of her life. So dancing was actually fun for her now. And she moved to the music she started quietly singing along. Slowly she was forgetting she was at a party. She was dancing like no one was watching. Then all of a sudden she felt a hand on her hip. She almost flipped the guy over her shoulder but before she got the chance she realized it was only Thor. Thor was her friend it was fine if she dances with him right?

Simple tipsy dancing escalated quickly into sexy drunk dancing. Angie didn't have any sexual feeling towards Thor. Sure he was hot but she had no interest at all in sleeping with him. But agin this was just dancing. No big deal. Then it was a big deal. Thor kissed her. Right on the lips.

Angie was stunned for a second. In no way was she expecting to get kissed tonight. And by Thor of all people. As soon as her brain caught up with her body she pushed Thor away. What a buzz kill. It felt like every drop of alcohol evaporated from her body. Why did he have to do that. He looked down at her with the saddest puppy dog eyes she had ever seen.

"I'm sorry Lady Wolf did I upset you."

"I'm okay Thor. Just wasn't expecting that."

"Well now that you are expecting it would you like it to happen agin?" Thor stepped closer with his big goofy grin on his face.

"Thor. I can't."

"Why? Because you can't or you don't want to?"

Angie's hand went to her necklace and she started fidgeting with it. Thor was her friend she didn't want to hurt his feelings. She didn't want this tho either.

"If my brother were alive and here would you kiss him." Thor asked although he believed he already knew the answer.

The look on Angie's face must have been enough because Thor apologized again for kissing her and excused himself. Angie was just left there in shock of what all just happened.

"So you and thunder boy gonna bang?" Tony was now drunk off his ass.

"Shut the fuck up stark."

"Someone's grumpy."

"I will throw you out the window."

With that stark left her withought another word. Once Angie was able to breath agin she headed for the balcony Tegan and herself were on before. The cold air felt good on her face and the silence helped with her head. Because she was practically immortal now she contemplated jumping off the balcony and going home. Tony would be pissed she left but she really didn't want to be there anymore.

Then the air changed around her. A normal human wouldn't have noticed but she did. She could feel the magic in the air. Smell the power. Then she could actually smell the persons sent. He smelt of the leather and snow. She wasn't on the balcony alone anymore. Someone was out there with her. She spun around with her vamp speed but no one was standing in front of the doors. But when she turn around agin to face the railing. A man stood in front of her. The same man she had been hoping to see agin for years now.

"Hello little wolf." The man smirked at her.

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