Chapter 1

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The New Job

~ Hanji Zoe~

I groaned as I heard the alarm clock go off. It seemed that the nights never lasted anymore. It felt like I was always being woken right as soon as I went to bed. With a sigh, I sat up and ran a hand through my long brown hair. While i stretched, I shuffled to the kitchen and turned on the coffee pot so it would be ready when I got out of the shower. The kitchen was a mess as usual. My stupid teenage friend Mikasa threw another party here last night.

"Why do I let her do that?" I wondered out loud. Oh that's right, cause I can't say no. I muttered angrily to myself and walked to the bathroom. The warm shower helped me wake up a little. HA ha yeah right. I fell asleep.The shower was another thing that never lasted. Too soon, the water ran cold and I was forced to leave the warm bathroom. With my fluffy bathrobe wrapped around me, a cup of nice hot coffee in hand, and a newspaper, I sat down at my desk in the study and started to page through the job openings. I was currently unemployed, which was a huge problem. My rent was starting to pile up and I would be kicked out if I didn't start paying soon. I about lost all hope when one particular ad caught my eyes. I adjust my glasses and started to read it.

Wanted, a good assistant. Must be efficient in paperwork and working late hours. Survey Corps, Building 12. Owned by the Ackerman family.

It was short and simple. I wasn't bad at typing and I could definitely run late hours. I smiled and decided to pay the company a visit. The company was a large industry so it would bring in good pay. The name sounded familiar though. Ackerman... where had I heard that before? I shrugged it off and went to my room to get dressed. I knew that formal was the way to go with this interview. My heart pounded as I pulled my hair into it's usual high ponytail. This was my last chance. Slipping on some low heels, I left the building and walked to my Jeep. Throwing the car into reverse, I said with a small smile

" Look out Survey Corps. Here comes Hanji Zoe."

~ Levi Ackerman ~

I looked at the ad. Who had made this? It was bland and gave almost no information. "Tch. Leave it to Jean's department and this is what we get." I muttered. That was the last time Jean had a say in anything. I needed to fix this. With an irritated sigh, I jabbed the PA button. "Petra Rahl please come to my office." I said into the phone then put it back. My department will just have to fix this mess as usual. I rubbed my temples. It was not even 2 in the afternoon yet and I already had a headache. A knock sounded at my door and I answered in a tired and irritated voice "Come in."  Petra Rahl, my red headed co worker, stepping into the room.

"Yes? You called Levi?"

I waved the ad at her and said "Fix this please. And don't let Jean's department touch our ads anymore." She nodded and left my office.

"Who would be stupid enough to come at an ad like that?" I wondered as I stepped to my window bringing my cup of tea with me. Down in the street below, I watched an unfamiliar Jeep pull into a parking spot. Out stepped a woman with brown hair and glasses. I raised one of my eyebrows at the stranger. Who the hell is she? I wondered as I watched her walk to the door, fidgeting with her hair, suit, anything. She seemed oddly familiar. I wracked my brain trying to recall where I saw her before but I couldn't. Taking a sip of tea, I watched her enter the building. Oh well. I need to get back to work anyways. She's probably here for some job in Marco's department or something I thought as I went back to my desk. I worked for a good solid 5 minutes before I was interrupted. I looked up at the knock on my door and saw Perta lean her head in.

My Addictions Make Me Who I am ( AOT/LeviHan ) (REWRITING)Where stories live. Discover now