Chapter 5: Ice Cream

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The room was bright.

Nina could hear the steady beeping of machines.

She sat up looking around trying to get an idea of where she was. The sudden movement made her dizzy.

"Hey, you're up. How are you feeling?" asked Doc as he came into the room.

"What happened?" Nina asked blinking wildly. She was in the infirmary.

"I was about to ask you the same thing. We found you out cold near the targets. You had beaten your fist to a bloody pulp," Doc explained.

The flashbacks came back. The closeness. The kiss. Hunter. Alone. Her fingers went to her lips. She could still taste him. She could still smell him. She wanted him out of her system. When Nina fell, she fell hard and Hunter was not the type of person to fall for.

"Hey Kitty, talk to me. What's on your mind?" Doc asked.


"Kitty, if someone here is threatening you or has hurt you in anyway there are ways we can confront them without putting your life at stake," he assured her.

"My life's not in danger," she shook her head.

"Then? You can trust me Kitty, it's all confidential," he said.

"I told you nothing happened. Just a lot has been going through my mind and I was so frustrated that I let my body take the fall," she admit.

"What's been going through your mind Kitty, you can tell me. This is a safe environment," he reminded her.

"I know Doc, thanks, I'm just not ready to talk yet," she shrugged.

"When your ready you can come talk to me at anytime. Now Kitty, I need you to lay off using your hand. That means no practicing, driving, shooting, lifting weights. Just focus on healing internally and externally," he said.

"But Doc, I want to keep practicing! My final test is next week!" Nina begged.

"It's been postponed until your hand's better," he said.

"Why? I can still do it!"

Doc burst into laughter. "You've really become one of the crew. Always practicing, wanting the high of the action."

Nina frowned.

"Here are some pain killers. Don't over do it. Can you let the crew know you're okay, they've been worried sick," he said.

"Will do," she smiled at the feeling of having a family that worried about her. She made her way to the caff, the aroma of food making her stomach grumble... Was it steak? As soon as she passed the doors, heads lifted from their plates.

They all yelled her name and rushed to her. Hugs and pats on the back.

"How are you feeling?" Sky asked.

"Good," she smiled.

"Here come sit," said Shadow.

"I'll get you a plate," said Wolf.

"Oh I was so scared when Sky brought you in!" Fox cried.

"Hey, give her some space," said Rock.

"I'm fine guys," laughed Nina.

"Why did you do that to yourself?" Frowned Shadow.

"Yeah, especially a week before your final," said Wolf.

"I know I'm so dumb, I don't know what got over me," she shook her head.

"Not unless you were backing out of the final?" Rock asked.

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