Chapter 7: Exam

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Nina spent the day with Shadow. The team was on a big mission so she got to witness everything. Shadow was hacking cameras, unlocking doors, turning off lights. She never pictured how badass being behind the screen was.

"Shadow, is there another exit route? I'm trapped," said Fox.

"No, the door you just went through is the only one, no windows, nothing," he said.

Fox cursed under her breath. Nina bit her nails. Holy shit.

"I found the target, he's been exterminated," said Wolf.

"Wolf, do you see a computer of any sort?" Shadow asked.

"I'm looking, give me a second," he said. "Found it!"

"Great, insert the USB," he said.

"It's in, Hunter go help Fox," said Wolf.

Nina burst into a joyful laughter.

"Yes! Yes!" she screamed enthusiastically.

"Roger that. Shadow, what's her location?" Hunter asked.

"Rock, you're closer, I'm going to need you to enter the building. Hunter go find Wolf, surely back up is on their way," shadow said.

"Copy that, where's she at?" Rock said.

"She's one floor above you, there's a staircase to your left, once your up that go straight then take a right. There's a big red door. She's there," said Shadow, "Wolf, what's your status?"

"46%," he said.

"Okay Hunter, take a right and run to the end of the hallway. Enter room 112, there's another door in the room in the far right corner. It's a back door for another room. That room is across from Wolf," said shadow.

"60%," said Wolf.

"There are too many men we need backup," said Rock.

"Hunter I got this, go help them," said Wolf.

"No you don't, there is a storm of them coming your way. I'll distract them, you finish the transfer," said Hunter.

"Oh my god! Shadow, what do we do?!" Nina panicked.

"Nothing, they've been in worse situations," said Shadow, as if he was assuring himself.

"Fox, hang in there babe," said Wolf.

"It's going to take more than a few men with guns to take me down," she said.

Wolf laughed. "I'm at 83%, I'm almost done. I'll come get you."

"Make that quick," said Rock.

"Send in Sky or Doc!" Nina begged Shadow.

"That's not protocol, Doc needs to be safe so he can patch up any serious damage and Sky needs to keep the escape vehicle ready and close on demand," Shadow explained.

"Can't you send the guards to east wing?" Nina asked Shadow.

"How do you expect me to do that?" Shadow asked.

"Aren't there speakers. What about their earpieces. Just tell them there's been a breech and the hard drive is actually hidden there," Nina suggested.

"That's going to be hard," he said.

"Are you saying that your hacking skills are not up for it?" Nina challenged him.

"No, I said its going to be hard," said Shadow with furrowed brows in concentration as he tapped away on the keyboard in front of him.

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