Chapter 2: Team

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A bright light blinded Nina as she woke up.

What happened?

Slowly everything started coming back, being kidnapped, her father disappearing, being rescued and William.

Nina sat up and took in her surrounding. She was in a white bright room seated on a bed. There was a white desk near the front door with two chairs facing each other. She saw a camera in the corner of the room. Did Slade capture her again? Where was William? What did they do to him?

Before she could get up and try to find a way to escape, someone opened the door.

"So I see you're finally awake."

It was William.

She felt like she was going to be sick.

"Wait... you took me? You're a liar! I trusted you! Take me to my father now! Ugh, I can't believe I was so dumb to believe you! CIA my butt!" she yelled, throwing her hands into the air.

"Nina calm down," he said soothingly. "This is much bigger than it actually is."

Yeah right.

Nina rolled her eyes, pouted and turned the other way so she wouldn't have to face him anymore.

"Hey hear me out, we're a black ops group called X. William Keller was just a cover, my name is Hunter. We were sent on a mission to find out what Slade was up to and save your father and his invention. Slade got away along with your father, but we were able to save you and miraculously get out of there. We would have taken you to some witness protection program, but you have skills. What you did back in that warehouse was abnormal. You were amazing enough to catch our eye. What I'm saying is that we want to recruit you," he explained.

There was a moment of silence.

Nina burst into laughter for what felt like a good five minutes. Hunter stood there patiently waiting for her to stop.

Nina finally caught her breath. "So you really expect me to believe that bullshit story? How would you explain you knocking me out cold?"

"It was necessary precaution, we couldn't reveal our location to you just yet. You could be an imposter for all we know," he said.

"Yeah that's why they have DNA testing genius," Nina rolled her eyes. "Can't you just let me go? I'm not interested in playing games. It's not funny, you had your laughs now just leave me alone."

"Fine, I'll leave you to think this through. Think about it, this is a once in a life time opportunity. You'd be part of something bigger than life and you'd have a chance to save your father and put down the guys that did this to you. Just consider it," said Hunter before he left the room, leaving his words like a heavy presence in the room.

His words playing over and over again in her head as she paced the room.

"Ugh!" She screamed in frustration as she kicked down a chair. She ran her fingers deep into her hair as she sat on the floor.

Nina heard the door swish open. She looked up to a find a girl this time. She was one of the most beautiful girls she'd ever seen. The type to turn heads. She had long blonde hair and cat like green eyes. She resembled a Barbie. Nina was almost envious.

Nina opened her mouth to ask her who she was, but didn't get a chance to speak.

"Listen princess, I don't know what you did to get Hunter that impressed in order to recruit you, but don't think you're bigger than us okay? Hunter didn't even need to save you! He wasn't even suppose to! Our rules consist of completing the mission no matter what. To me, you would have been a distraction. A bump in the road that I would have clearly gotten over, but no he stayed with you. I don't know why, but he seems to think in your best interest. Either go big or go home, but trust me you won't be safe in anywhere other than here. So if you do go home, you watch your back because they will come after you and you don't have the skills to survive on your own. Oh and you better not tell Hunter I spoke to you, he made it clear you were off limits," Barbie spat before storming out of the room and slamming the door behind her.

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