Chapter 1: Beautiful...

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Levi's POV

Every second in the evening was haunted by words of happiness. People complimented me for marrying the young, beautiful Petra Ral. How she was truly born into beauty. I never saw it like that. Petra, in my opinion, was a woman who would be blinded easily by something in front of her. When her eyes first met mine, she thought it was true love. I had no feelings for her. But plans overtook feelings.

One thing led to another, and before I knew it, I was told I had to marry her. Her hand was no one else's but mine. For she, a rich duchess, wanted me. How both families would earn more money than they could ever think of if they paired me and her together. When that proposal entered my life, I was forever haunted to see that woman. 

My younger cousin, Mikasa, threw this engagement party with her fiance. I never wanted this. But when night fell upon this quiet mansion of mine, the night sky was lit up with bright colors of pure happiness. Music played up until the last stroke of midnight, and no one seemed to be bothered by it. 

When fast songs played into the night sky, people danced and laughed in joy at my engagement party. The cool breeze of the night kept everyone going. No one suffered from the heat of dancing, and no one froze from the dead of night. Fountains of wine and chocolate were scattered everywhere, so everyone didn't crowd at just one table. 

Petra clung onto me like a mollusk on a rock, never letting my arm go. Her smile was stained with the decision to make all the women envious of her. How she was able to get her hands on me. At least, that's what I think it was all about. Soon enough, I managed to escape her grasp and escaped into the empty garden. 

Forgotten... that was the tone of the garden. Just... forgotten. No bright lights decided to light up the beauty in it. Just the moonlight. The music was faint, and if enough effort was put into it, this place was a place of tranquility. 

Resting my weary body, I collapsed onto the nearest stone bench, hoping that morning would come soon. Simultaneously, I didn't want morning to come. I would have to woo Petra into my arms and hopefully bear a child for the newly Ackerman clan. Thinking of it sent a shiver down my back. A child with her would be monstrous. 

"I see you're hiding as well..." A soft, annoyed voice called out in the garden. Her voice... was unknown to me. Her head poked out, and I was nearly blinded by the moon's rays on her glasses, as it reflected onto me. She adjusts it and smiles brightly, seeing that she was no longer alone. "Wait... I know you..."

I chuckled softly, looking towards her. "Why are you sitting down on the ground? It's filthy."

"I'm not like other women." She chuckles softly, continuing to lay on the ground. 

People saw me as a menacing clean-freak, but I didn't care. If they weren't gonna accept me for who I am, why let them control me. From the dim-light of the moon, I saw that she was wearing a plain, pale yellow dress. Only white frills lined the edges of the dress. On her neck was a bright emerald pendant. Her hair was almost messy, but it was heat-pressed to look nicer. I chuckled at her smile, seeing how defiant she was. 

"It's rare to see a host of a party disappearing." She says gently, looking at me. "Why did you hide away?"

"I'll tell you mine if you tell me your reason why you're not celebrating the engagement."

She smiles, nodding her head. "Negotiator... interesting... anyways, my boyfriend, Moblit, brought me here. He deserved better than me. So, I let him flirt with some of the girls here. I didn't fit in with the others, so... I retreated into a place of silence. Only to see... I'm not the only one alone on this fine evening. Your turn."

"For one, I don't even love my betrothed. My cousin threw this party and... of course, I hate this."



She nods her head gingerly and gracefully before replying with a sweet smile on her face. "I'm Hanji, and no need to introduce yourself." How her caramel eyes were just as sweet as honey. Anyone could get stuck within them. Now that... that's true beauty. If her looks wasn't the tip of the iceberg, her sarcastic attitude took me away. "I already know who you are, Levi."

I chuckled softly, hearing the soft tune of music in the distant. The nearest clock was chiming midnight. The party would be ending soon... so then I uttered to her some words I would never regret.

"May I have the last dance with you?" 

Hanji nods her head and stands up from the floor. Her smile grew brightly, and it would forever burn in my mind. She hypnotized me in a way no other woman could. How her hands quickly brushed the small clumps of dried dirt off her dress. There was no other way to describe how much I fell deeply in love with her. 

"Yes, yes you may have the last dance with me."

I took her hands and felt them small compared to my hardened hands. Compared to our height, it was surprising to see such a difference as little as that. One of my hands took hers and the other wrapped around her tinny waist of hers. I didn't use that much force to pull her close to me. I brushed against her body as we carefully moved like water to the music. Our movements were fluent, like we were made for each other.

Seconds passed and the music already faded. We both didn't give a damn. The moonlight lit our night as we danced. Soon, we leaned into each other. Our lips craved for the other, and we kissed under that moonlight. The garden soon sang its song as it watched our lips touching. Just one kiss wasn't enough. We craved for more. We kissed, over and over. My hand quickly pulled her closer onto me... and we were almost done. When we thought it was over... it wasn't. Quickly, we kissed for more. 

Hanji was my addiction, and I craved for her more and more. 

Finally, we pulled ourselves off of each other. Blushing in each other's presence, I knew we were right for each other. "When could I possibly see you again...?" Her soft whimpers were almost like a puppy's- begging for more. Honestly, if I had no self-control, I would've done her right then and there.

"Whenever I can... I would definitely spend all the time I can spare with you..."

"Don't treat me as a woman of your pleasure..." She says with a smug smile. "I want to be treated better if I'm to be your mistress. That means... don't just come to me and attempting to woo me for your own pleasure. I wanted to be treated somewhat equally to your... betrothed."

I chuckled, kissing her one last time before we could even depart. "You don't want to be somewhat equal to her. I hate her. But... talking about being somewhat equal... I am supposed to try to make an heir with her. Obviously, I don't want to. With you... I'm not doing anything without your permission."

She smiles brightly, chuckling as her hands gracefully rubbed her stomach. "I wouldn't mind that. But... maybe not now... your betrothed is gonna search for you. Would make a bad idea to do something like that right here and now if she's looking for you."

"I'll find a way to call you, Hanji... I promise..." My hand gently caressed her cheek, and I craved for more of her. "For now... let's split..."

We left the garden, bidding our goodbye as the party's dynamic slowly died off. Petra attempted to pull me away to bed and wanted me to take her away to a paradise. I convinced her she was drunk and put her to bed. If I were to lose an important part of me... I rather lose it to a woman like Hanji.

{LeviHan} Final DanceWhere stories live. Discover now