Chapter 11: Reveal

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Hanji's POV

"Is it really that time?" I watched his eyes light up in joy when I reminded him about the ultrasound. I was now 6 months in, and we would both see the baby that was in me. My baby bump was growing so much... my back was arched over. "You ready to see it?"

I nodded my head, smiling brightly. "Of course I am! I want to see the baby! Our baby..."

*   *   *

On the way to the doctor, already, there were reporters lining up on the streets. They all wanted to know what they would be expecting from the... duke and his 'mistress.' That's all they cared about. Not caring about what they would want to see from the baby- nothing but the baby. My baby was just an object- an enzyme of sorts.

"Worried?" Levi's deep voice rose my head- saving me from being submerged under my dark thoughts of what they would think of. "Shh... it's alright..."

"They don't care about the baby- just about your status. I-I can't believe that-"

"Hanji, that's just them. They're cruel people who don't think about what it's like for us. I care about the baby because it's ours. I care because I'm the father. I care because I'm in love with you. We're in this situation because I want to ensure that you're forever by my side. Now, let's go into that place and see our baby."

I smiled gently, nodding and kissing his lips. "Alright... I'm ready to see our baby..."

*   *   *

The gel was cold on my stomach as the doctor laid it down. She grabbed one of those microphone thingies and covered the tip in the gel. She moved it around and turning on the ultrasound monitor. The image popped up, and I saw... them. I turned to see Levi, seeing his smile grow wider.

"Ah, that's quite a surprise. 2 heads have been formed over here... looks well. Separate bodies... nice beating hearts. Want to hear them?"

"Yes please..." I say with a desperate plea. Now, it's not just one child... but two. Twins. Our twins. Upon hearing their beating hearts, I couldn't wait to hold them in my arms. The two of them...

"Well, as we can see their genitals, the one on the left is a female, and the one on the right is a male."

Levi chuckles softly, kissing my cheek. "Look at that... twins... happy now?"


"As most young parents do, they do research. Of course, don't eat certain foods that will harm the baby, no extreme exercises, and I cannot stress this enough: do not get into situations that will put stress on you. The stress will make birthing difficult. Stay as calm as you possible can. Understand?"


*   *   *

Petra's POV

"They have what?!" As the reports stated, there was a leak about what those two were expecting. Twins. Now Levi would be on extra high alert for those two. "No, they can't do that... they can't have twins! Not twins!"

"My dear, calm down..."

"Calm down, Papa?!" I grabbed the nearest box and threw it on the ground. "I can't calm down. I'm about to lose the one man I wanted... you arranged that marriage for me, now I want you to ensure that her babies disappear. She needs to be put down in her rightful place- to the bottom of the food chain!"

Papa stood and wrapped his arms around me, "She's lying about the baby... she truly is. Listen... I'll find ways to get rid of her."

"Make sure that those ways are on someone else's hands. Make it seem like... a crazed fangirl or something like that. Yes, Papa?"

"Of course."

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