Chapter 8: Challenging

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Hanji's POV

Levi had to push through all the reporters at the courthouse when we both arrived to challenge the pregnancy. Their cries for answers drowned out every thought in my mind. The constant chattering made me fear for them. I was being dragged down into the depths of their claws... until I felt that line of safety holding me down in place. Levi's arm wrapped around me. When I gazed into his eyes, he smiled gently and held me tightly. I was safe with him...

"I got you... just keep moving forward with me. I won't let you get taken away from me..."

I nodded softly, following him inside as he escorted me. Inside, the reporters were like put on mute. Their cries were no longer audible. Footsteps echoed inside the courthouse, with a few people walking to their destinations. I was a tiny doll inside a human house, that's how big it was. The air felt chilly to the bone, and Levi tugged me to a certain direction.


I followed him through the double doors, and I wanted to collapse in fear. So many dukes and duchesses were everywhere, chattering about. Even Petra was there. How she scowled at me when Levi held my hand. Every pair of eyes were on me. I was the outside; a baroness I was. I wasn't as popular as one of them. 

"Is that her?" Petra quickly walked up to the both us, continuing to scowl at me. "That lil' b-"

"Talk to her like that again, Petra, I will make your life a living hell." Levi says in such a protective way, pulling me closer to him. Practically, I was laying on him, breathing in on his scent. I smelled... cologne on him. His warmth kept me from the cold of the possible threats around me. "Don't talk to her like that."


"Alright, what's going on here?"

To the booming voice, I look towards them and saw an elderly man. His eyes were filled with regret and sorrow, but continued to stay strong. Levi pushed forward and stood in front of him. "I'm challenging Petra's claim of her pregnancy and wish to present someone who truly has my heir, Zachary."

A few gasps came from the dukes and duchesses, and I felt their stares burning me away into nothingness. I wanted to hide in a hole and wait everything out. But for Levi, I had to stay strong for him. Stand strong for my baby. Sweat was dripping form my forehead, but I continued to stand strongly and next to Levi's side.

He gazes down at me with a smug chuckle. "Ma'am, may you come to me for a few seconds?" I turned to Levi for approval, and he simply nodded his head. I took a heavy breath, walking towards the man. He looks deeply into my eyes and scans for any lies in my statement. "Are you, in fact, pregnant with this man's child?"


"How long?"

"A few days, at most."

He nods his head and takes my hand. "Well, I can tell that she's not lying about her baby. Of course, we need DNA tests of the baby to solve this. And, may I ask how this is challenging Petra's statement?"

Levi looks to Petra with a heavy scowl before turning to me with a gentle smile. "If Hanji does bring my child into the world, I will have her hand in marriage and Petra is no longer my fiancee. For protection of the baby, since it's a bit iffy at the moment, I recommend that she stays with me until the baby is born. Once the DNA test is complete and the baby is mine, I ask that there shall be no harm to her or the baby. No bribes will be made during the time. I want the tests to be as accurate as possible to prove that it's my child."

"This is a huge deal, Levi, are you sure about this?" Zachary asks, looking towards Levi for the final judgement.

"Yes. I know that the baby inside of Hanji is mine. And the baby that is in Petra is not mine."

"And if the child inside of Hanji is not yours, but the child inside of Petra is, what will you do? You are still her fiance." Levi looked at me, seeing that he was trapped between his choices. But whatever choice he makes, I'm fine with it. "Will you continue to be loyal to Petra?"

"I... I still want to see Hanji. I know for a fact that the child inside of Petra is not mine. My choice to support Hanji still stands."

Zachary nods his head and quickly makes his judgement. His judgement rang through the ears of every duke and duchess in the room. One shall slip a word through to the media and we will all be put onto trial. "I shall allow Levi's claim to challenge Petra's child. As of now, no harm shall come to the both of the women. No one shall attempt to alter the pregnancy. Within 3 months, we will see if both their claims are true. One person from my choosing will test them on their hormones to ensure that they are pregnant. We will soon move on from there. Court dismissed."

*   *   *

"There's nothing to fear, Hanji..." Levi says to me as he was taking me back to the guest house. "You're with me. I'll be sleeping with you every night to ensure that Petra isn't planning something to hurt you. Apparently, she's pregnant too."

"You don't believe her?"

He shook his head. "No. This morning, I found the pregnancy testers in my bathroom. All negative. I haven't found one that said positive. Either she has it, or she's not pregnant at all. If I could guess, she's gonna try to find possible suitors because I'm not sleeping with her... just you..."

I chuckled softly, thinking about living with her. She would constantly reject me... pull Levi away as soon as she can. A greedy woman, and she was nothing else. I scoffed about it, shaking my head and thought about Levi. How he would make me breakfast, lunch, and dinner... and how he would stay with me every night. I was his little mistress that's making a big deal in his life. A woman who he truly needed.

"Easy... I don't want you to get too carried away..."

"Sorry... I couldn't control myself..."

"You're gonna enjoy staying at my house. Petra's being moved to a different room. You have your own quarters- with me."

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