Chapter 7: Enough

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Levi's POV

"Hanji, Hanji please calm down..." I tried to calm her as she wept in my arms. A few seconds ago, she was banging my chest and shouting that she didn't matter to me. That Petra was pregnant with my kid, and I just made her have a kid and left it with her. I took those beats like a man, and not doing anything else but saying words to calm her. "She's lying..."

"She wouldn't lie about being pregnant, huh?"

"Listen, she's a snake. She bit into our relationship and sucking it dry as much as she can. She doesn't know who you are. This is her way to lure you out, to destroy you. But when that baby arrives, Hanji, she can no longer hurt you. You will be under my protection."

"What protection, Levi?"

I scowled when I looked up to her ex-boyfriend. He was the one who called me and told me to hurry down to Hanji. He called just after she broke down crying, and it was a good thing to. I wouldn't have known about this until it was too late.

"I'll repeat-"

"I am a duke, and my line is important to protect. There would be extra security to protect her when I cannot, Moblit. I was forced to get engaged with that idiotic woman. I wouldn't take her hand- not when it can be canceled when I have an heir. Only the true heir of my bloodline can be under my protection. At the moment-"

"Then why can't she be under your protection now? Is Hanji not pregnant with your child?"

"She is." I growled more, kissing Hanji's sweet cheeks. "People can't prove that she's pregnant with my child unless they get the DNA from the child. It has to be born first. Understand that? Right now, it's all speculation that she's pregnant with my child. Same with Petra. Understand that she's been sleeping with other guys, so there's a very low chance that it's my baby. No scientist would take a bribe if it means that it's my bloodline."

Moblit opened his mouth to say something, but immediately bit his tongue and stayed silent. "L-Levi..." Hanji quietly says through her tears. "So... when the baby is proven yours..."

"You will be forever by my side, Hanji." I smiled gently, kissing her forehead. "Now, I'm gonna challenge her pregnancy claim and there will be a chance that you both would be safe under the protection of my bloodline. When the baby comes, don't be afraid when they take it to test it. They're just gonna take a small sample of blood and return it to you. Freak out, and you may lose a spot with me. They might just give the baby to Petra to raise... because of your behavior."

Hanji nods gently, wiping her tears. "W-Why tell me this now?"

"Just wanted to tell you..."

"Leaving her behind?" Moblit growled when I stood up with Hanji still in my arms.

I shook my head and gave a smirk. "I'll present her to the counsel to challenge the pregnancy. Dress nicely, Hanji... presentation means everything."

On her cheeks, they were stained red from her tears. But underneath that, I saw a small blush on them. "Levi..."

"Go ahead, I'll wait for you. If you want, I can come with and see what outfits you have."

"Oi... don't try to sleep with her when this is much more important, Levi." Moblit growls at me, shaking his head. "And you're worse than I thought! A pervert!"

"Pervert?" I turned towards him after catching a glimpse that Hanji snuck out of the room. "How am I the pervert? I'm not trying to catch glimpses of her naked or anything. You think I sleep with her because of her looks? Well, kinda, but still... she's one of the most perfect women I've ever wanted. Someone who wouldn't take my money for their own benefits. Someone who wouldn't go behind my back and start blackmailing me. Hanji is perfect in her own ways. Why would you leave her?"

"I left her because we weren't working out. She acts insane and it makes my alcoholism worse. It was best that we leave each other before one of us gets hurt. How's that for a reason?"

I shook my head, sighing softly. "I'm just trying to help her out... okay?"

Moblit, in return, looked away with a heavy sigh. "Fine..."

"I had enough with all the lies and conspiracy with Petra. I know it's gonna be hard for her to adjust, but since that child is mine, she's safe with me. I promise that. When I challenge it, again, they would put her in protection until the baby is born. Then she can live with me after I can cancel the engagement with Petra. I didn't marry her yet, so I can't get a divorce."

"You promise that she'll be safe when you challenge this?"

"Yes. She'll be in my home, yeah with Petra, but she will have her own separate place in the house where it's her own living quarters. I'll be able to see her- and only me. Exceptions to some doctors to ensure our baby is well. That child is everything to Hanji... and I'm not letting some woman destroy that for her."

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