Chapter 6: Tell Me the Truth

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Levi's POV

After the business trip, I dropped Hanji off at her friend's place. For the last time, I kissed her so passionately and watched her walk off with her suitcase. I sighed softly, watching her go inside the guest house and closing the door. I waited for a few seconds, waiting to see if someone was inside and would hurt her... but there was nothing. I started the car once more, and headed off to home.

*   *   *

"I'm back." I called out as I entered my house, hearing it empty. Petra's car was here, so I was waiting for her annoying voice to call me out. Thankfully, I didn't hear any. I walked off to my room, turning on the warm water in the tub. 

A few bubbles were added, and as I was undressing... I saw it. In the trash... those testers. They were somewhat recent. I took a peek at a few, and they all read 'negative.' A breath of relief left my unsteady nerves. She wasn't pregnant. My heir was safe with my true love. Relieved, I laid in the bathtub, thinking about Hanji's soft skin. Then, the baby that was inside of her. My baby. Our baby. I didn't care that Hanji didn't want expensive objects for her, but I would care for our baby. They deserve the best...

"Levi...?" That annoying tone... I wish I could just dip my head underwater and listen to her words being drowned out. "Oh, I didn't hear you come in..." 

I turned towards the door, seeing Petra in a bathrobe. She adjusts her robe, and I saw what she was attempting to do. My eyes rolled and I began to look at the bubbles in the bath. "Busy with other guys, I assume?"


"I'm not angry or anything. Expected as much. Honestly, I was expecting it." I scoffed softly, thinking about Hanji. Why should I be angry? "How many have you been with since I've been gone, Petra? One? Two? Five?"

"I'm not at liberty-"

"Hell to that, Petra."

She sighed, giving me a slight smirk. "I'll tell you once you tell me the name of the woman you've been seeing. I called Erwin to check up on you when you didn't answer the phone once. He told me that he bought his own ticket. Who is she?"

"Oh, so it's better that you keep the number of how many guys you sleep with than to keep a single name? I don't care how many you sleep with. Maybe actually check if you can even have a child. It'll be amusing to know that you can't even have kids at the end of this. You would ruin everything to ensure you have a child, pretend that it's mine, inherit my Ackerman fortune. Fun fact, Petra... you can't have the fortune if your child is not biologically mine. You can't fake it. They will run a DNA test on the child."

Petra ran her fingers through her hair, gritting her teeth. "I'll pay them off. I deserve it than that wh-"

"Enough!" I growled, letting my anger through. "You can't do anything, Petra. Hurt me, I dare you. But a little gold-digger like you isn't gonna hurt me. Only someone that has my DNA can inherit the fortune. Unless you get pregnant with my child, you can't have it. It would just pass down to Mikasa. Good luck getting pregnant with her child."

"I will ruin that woman, Levi."

"You can't ruin her unless you have her name. And I will hold that name to the death." And that was the truth. Endangering Hanji means endangering my unborn child. When my child is born, it is proof that Hanji can become my new wife. I've slept with Petra and hadn't gotten a child from her. With Hanji... I did. Besides, Hanji wasn't a gold-digger. I love her with all my heart. "Give it up, Petra."

"Just you wait..."

*   *   *

Hanji's POV

Moblit called me into the house for a dinner together. It's rare, but not uncommon. We were quietly talking about the trip, and he was making sure that Levi wasn't using me for his own personal gain.

"And... he didn't mind about having the baby?"

I shook my head with a smile and a hand on my stomach. Slightly, I closed my eyes to picture the small child that was slowly growing inside of me. I yearned for its touch, and I yearned to hear its voice. My baby... "Not at all. He was genuinely happy. He really wanted my baby..."

"Good... good..." He quickly perks up to hear his phone buzzing. He checks it out and his face turned pale. He breathes heavily, rushing to the TV. "C-Crap..."


I turned to him, seeing him click on the TV and searching through the channels. He stopped at the local news channel, and it was an old picture of Levi and Petra at their engagement party. The day I first met Levi. The headlines read the most horrifying thing, and Moblit turned to me with his blood-strained face.

"Are you sure he wasn't faking it...?"

"T-That has to be a lie..."

"It's not a lie. The whole world knows it. What are you going to do? She's after you, Hanji. You need my protection. I'm not sure that Levi can grant your safety after this broadcast- or a leak into their lives. Hanji... listen to me."

I nodded my head, feeling my legs quake and my hands shook- both in fear. My breath grew short and heavy- like walls were closing in on me. Someone was holding my heart... and I felt that they were squeezing it as every second seemed to pass. I attempted to remind myself that this was all wrong. That this was so bad... this had to be a nightmare. A sharp pain shot up from my arm as I pinched myself. Not a dream... this was real-life. I re-read the lines on the news... how could it be true...?

"Fiancee of Duke Levi Finally Bears an Heir."

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