Chapter 8 - New Information

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Torin looked through the demon caller and said:

"There is a demon that I have in mind, please show the demon that I want to find."

"Wait, was that a spell?" Torin looked over at me and smirked, but otherwise ignored me.

I watched as the demon caller rolled from his fingertips, and made a soft thud in the grass.

The demon caller spread and widened into a large circle. And from that circle sprang up a demon.

I wasn't sure what I was expecting. The demon looked like an old man. It was so realistic. He was wearing an old-fashioned vest and button-down shirt with a pair of neatly pressed pants. He had a kind look on his face, and was leaning on a cane. He peered at us over his spectacles and gave an amused smile.

I was completely shocked by this turn of events, but Torin's face was completely unimpressed.

"Well, look at this young lady. We have a newbie, don't we?" The old man smiled.

"Farris, you haven't changed a bit", said Torin.

"Well, now! I'd think that centuries of working hell would change a guy... but what do I know? I'm just the right-hand man of Satan."


They both turned their attention towards me.

""You two... know each other? And why do you look like an old man, I thought-"

"He's a demon", interjected Torin. "They can change their form at will."

"Like a shapeshifter?"

"No, honey. Not like a shapeshifter. For that, I'd have to be human." He gave me a hideus, horrible smile.

Inside the circle, he changed. His white skin turned to a deep, deep red. His eyes became cat-like. He sprouted horns a a tail. And waved at me with long, black talon-like nails.

Instead of his old grandpa outfit, he now wore a black, leather trench coat and black, laced boots. And this was accompanied by a pair of black leather pants.

"Now then. That feels better."

Then the demon turned and looked at me.

"I am the demon Farris. And you are Alina. Nice to make your acquaintance."

"How did you know my name?"

"Like I said, I'm rather close to the big boss of all the demon realms."

"And that would be...?"

"Lucifer." This time it was Torin who spoke. "Lucifer rules all the demon realms."

"Well, haven't you been reading up on your demon literature. Must know a thing or two... But enough with the chit-chat. I know that you need information. Preferably about a specific person. A Mrs. Jones?"

I felt my body stiffen. This is what I came here for.

"Yes. I know you have my mother.-"

"No, I don't have your mother. You're making hasty assumptions and I hate that. BUT. I might know who does have her-"

"The demons-"

"Do not interrupt me, child. I don't have to help you, you know."

I remained silent.

"Your mother was taken by one demon in particular. He's a mysterious one, by the name of Deveraux."

Torin looked at me. "Deveraux, he's a strange one. Had a couple of run-ins with him. He's not the type of demon to do something like that..."

"Yes", said Farris. "He's strange, but also very powerful. The demon caller won't work on him, but I can tell you where to find him."

"Stop.", I said.

Farris and Torin looked at me in surprise.

"Why are you helping me?"

Farris replied: "Excuse me?"

"Why are you even helping me? What's in it for you? You're a demon! Your kind are known for leading humans astray... So why are you helping me and how can I trust you?"

Farris gave me a malicious smile.

"How can you trust me? You can't. But I'm your best shot right now."

I narrowed my eyes in suspicion. He continued.

"I mean, I'm the only demon who showed up and offered to help you. Am I right?"

Torin and I said nothing. Farris replied to our silence with a smug smile.

"Well, if that's all.... Then I guess I'll just go."

And with a snap of his fingers and one last creepy smile, he disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"No! He didn't even tell us where..."

My voice trailed off as I looked at the spot where the demon disappeared. In his place, was a small scrap of paper.

I walked over to the spot, and bent to pick it up. Torin came as well.

"What does it say?", he asked me.

You can find Deveraux at the old Mills farm on the outskirts of Serenity. Don't bother thanking me yet.

Torin appeared over my shoulder. "Anything useful?"


"Like what?"


He smiled... and I smiled back.


So that's it. I hope you enjoyed that chapter. Finally the search is really going somewhere. Comment and vote. Thanks for reading :)

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