Chapter 16: The Lake Date

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Star: Mmh i got a message... Hi Star, please don't block me! If you read this, i really want to talk to you. Meet me at the lake at 5 o'clock. Please come...

What should i do?!? Ok i really want to see him so i will come. But i am gonna wait a little bit i don't want to sound to desperate. I hope that Ponyhead's advice won't make me creepy or....too girly!

*A few minutes later*

Ok i think it's time i answer:
Ok Tom i will come. See you l8tr

No! Wait i want to change the later!!!!
Aaagggg i hate Ponyhead's advice!! He will think iam weird?!?! Oh no! He read it?!?! Iam officially dead now!!!!

No wait i can't be dead i have to meet Tom in.... 1 HOUR!?!?!?!!! I have to get ready!

I ran to my closet only finding disappointments. I don't have any dresses left?! The only thing in here is a black sweater that is to big for me, dark blue pants and my white sneakers?!
This is gonna have to do!

Me and cloudy rushed out of the castle. I check the time....10 minutes?!?!?! Cloudy go faster. Why the heck must the lake be on the other side of the- wait.

I have dimensional scissors!

What is wrong with me? Its like Tom turned my whole world upside down?!

I use my scissors to open the dimension were the lake is, and jump through, leavin Cloudy to fade back into my wand

Hello friends its me your tomstar lover, wattpad writer, (insert name) :)
I am sorry i didn't write much some stuff came up...but i am back now and i will continue writing! Love you all

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