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Emily's POV:

After contemplating my future for a while, and becoming extremely stressed, I did something stupid.
I called Michelle whilst crying.

Michelle's POV:

As much as I had left TNS for good, there was no way I could ever give up on Emily. Returning to the studio wasn't an option, but no one ever said I couldn't visit once in a while. As I packed my stuff to go on my next adventure, I contemplated taking some kind of present with me. I decided that if I was going to leave though, the quickest way in which I could would be to forget about presents until I was anywhere near Emily's apartment. I called Riley, letting her know the plan so that she would be able to distract Emily if she needed to. Like me with my leaving party, she hadn't been to the studio properly since the Christmas reunion.
"Thank you so much for helping me with this." I said gratefully. The truth was that none of us really liked going to the studio anymore, because back when we were all on A Troupe, we all thought we would be friends for life and now I only knew a quarter of the team. It just hurt to go back to a place where I no longer felt welcome. Not only that, but our unbreakable bond had been completely destroyed because of our progression plans. Even Giselle and I had lost contact. I still heard from Steph every so often, but it wasn't the same as Nationals or Internationals. I'd even lost contact with Amanda. Clearly tour life affected their schedules a lot. I wasn't mad. I'd come to accept that it was just a part of growing up, but I knew Emily. There was no way she would give up on her dream of owning the studio. Personally, I wasn't convinced that she still had the same burning desire to buy the studio without me, but I did put that down to my own personal self-obsession. Decorating the studio pink like we had planned seemed like a lifetime ago. I wasn't ready to give up on that yet.

I finally finished packing just before going to sleep. I knew that tomorrow would be such a big day for me. Tomorrow would be the day that I reunited with Emily.

When I awoke from my slumber, a bubble of excitement built up in my stomach. I couldn't eat the cereal I had made myself so it sat next to me as I booked the second flight out to give me time to get to the airport. My audition yesterday had gone incredibly well, but I couldn't say anything to Emily because she was hurting. I thought about the face she might make when she saw me, knowing that it would be one of shock. The only thing I was worried about was the look in her eyes. I could always tell with Emily how she was feeling because of her eyes. They were the most beautiful shade of ocean anyone could ever see and any boy would melt in them. I'm still surprised that Eldon briefly chose me over her, before everything happened with Hunter. Hunter. Another person I'd lost contact with over the years. My childhood best friend and first ever dance partner. I had no clue where he was in the world now. It was kind of sad to reminisce the old days. Somehow I was putting myself back in that situation and I didn't hate myself for it. Because I was doing this for Emily.

On the plane, I was the most irritable I had ever been. I began to think about all the possible outcomes surprising Emily had, mostly being negative in my mind. Whilst I knew that Emily needed me- because she had outright told me yesterday- my brain had gone into overdrive, thinking about how she could hate this idea. I'd chosen to part with studio to focus on more opportunities for my dance career, which I had, but sometimes I wondered what it would've been like if Emily would've come with me. Of course, I knew that she hadn't danced since our Nationals days, but that didn't stop me from wondering. Maybe I focused on what it would be like if Emily left the studio because I secretly believed that she was better off leaving now too, but I could never voice that. She was working towards her ultimate dream of becoming a studio owner, which I admired, but I still believed she deserved better than what she was getting. I knew she deserved better than having to constantly be belittled by Nick, who knew nothing about dance. It had never been heard of before now that an A Troupe would completely abandon what their studio head had worked for so that they could attend a new creative opportunity like going on TV. I couldn't tell if I was happy for them, or just genuinely disappointed that they didn't trust Emily enough to believe that they could win Nationals.

As I approached the studio, I realised that it was definitely disappointment.

A/N: I brought Michelle back...

Thanks for reading this chapter, hopefully more regular uploads soon but I'm editing as I upload so yeah! See you all soon x

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