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Michelle's POV:

I am so focused on surprising Emily right now that I have almost forgotten why I'm here. That it isn't just because I feel like being here. No, this is to reignite Emily's passion for dance. She's coming to her apartment now and she is going to have the shock of her life when she sees me as she gets out of the lift.

I wait patiently for her to arrive, never taking my eyes off of the lift. There's been some very strange looks from old women, teenage boys and children, but none of that matters. The only person who matters is the young adult that is currently standing in front of me, extremely confused.
"Please tell me this isn't some kind of joke. That you're really here." Emily is such a good best friend. It seems crazy to me that I never saw that when we were on A Troupe together.
"Nope, I'm here!" I say before adding "surprise!" Riley comes to join the hug, before taking a phone call from James. Apparently, there had been some kind of drama at Lost and Found, but I'm not  focused on that. John and all of the Lost and Found studios was a past life for me now. Right now, I'm solely focused on Emily.

As we go into her apartment, I notice how dishevelled everything has become since the last time I was here. I'm trying not to take it as a metaphor for her life.
"Okay so how have you been? You sounded pretty upset yesterday on the phone." Emily looks at me and I just know that she's about to take everything out on me. It's the way our friendship has always been.
"I don't need rescuing." That's all she says. Then she simply lays on the couch while I'm in shock. I came because I thought she needed me, not because I am trying to rescue her.
"Em, I'm not here to rescue you. I came because I wanted to see you, and I wanted to visit anyway. Some of my family still live here, remember?" Emily nods. She is beginning to calm down. I can see that despite her outburst that she really appreciates me being here.
"Sorry, it's just that I'm going through a lot." I signal that I know. She needs this.
"Let's have dinner." I finally suggest, picking up my phone to ring a pizza place.

"Thanks so much." I say as I pay the pizza delivery woman. I look back at Emily and realise that in the process of waiting for the pizza and watching an episode of a series we both like, she's fallen asleep. I put the pizza on the coffee table and take my first slice. Even if Emily is asleep, I'm still hungry.

Finally Emily wakes up and begins to reach for a slice of pizza. This isn't her. She isn't usually like this.
"I don't usually fall asleep like this. Sorry. Can you pass me a slice of pizza please?" Emily is drained. It's really sad.
"Yeah here." We sit in a comfortable silence as Emily eats. I focus on the episode until it finishes and I know that I have to address the issue.
"Em, this isn't you. The last time I saw you like this was when me and Eldon were together." I know it still hurts when I mention it but I want her to realise exactly how awful this situation is for her.
"You need something more than this. You need an A Troupe that will go to Nationals. Can't you audition people?" Emily sits up before responding.
"That's the thing, Mich. I don't want a new A Troupe. The A Troupe I've chosen is who I thought would be representing TNS at Nationals. Richelle is who I thought would be Miss Nationals, or even Summer. Henry was supposed to be Mr Nationals. Piper and Finn were supposed to be like James and Riley were back when we were on A Troupe. Well, before everything happened with Amy and Finn. I was supposed to be the studio owner, not Nick. I'm supposed to be the studio head but I can't remember one time since you left that anyone has valued my opinion." I want to tell her that it isn't true, but I can't say anything. Nick has taken over the studio.
"I don't want to pressure you Emily, but you have a choice to make. You can either get yourself a new A Troupe and make TNS even better than it is now. Or you can leave." Being a business owner is everything Emily has ever wanted and I know this must be the hardest choice she has ever had to make.
"I just don't see how I will be able to be a business owner and a studio head without a partner or anything. Whether or not I want to be at TNS doesn't matter. I have to stay." Emily feels like she has a duty to be at TNS. She's been there since she was extremely little and letting go of that would be a hard thing to do. However, I just don't see how someone who was told they would never dance again- and still struggles to do a basic jeté even now- could put themselves in that situation everyday of their life.

If there's anything I know, it's that Emily needs a break from TNS.

A/N: sorry if the upload is a little late but here it is!
Have you ever had an injury so bad you couldn't dance?
My answer is yes! I've broken several bones and I have an injury that put me out of dancing for 9 months previously.

Anyway thanks for reading, hope you liked it. If you did make sure to vote and comment!

Thanks bye!

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