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Piper's POV:

I'm not entirely sure how I'll keep Emily in the building, but I know that it isn't through the use of my own personal drama. I'm still trying to work out how I'm going to tell Amy that I kissed her boyfriend, who I said I didn't have feelings for. As much as I try to push it to the back of my brain, the anxiety bubble makes sure it stays at the forefront of everything. Even Operation Distract Emily- or ODE for short- can't overtake its strength. I need to focus on this though, for Michelle.

I finally have a genius idea when I reach Emily. I'll ask her to help improve my acro.
"Hi Piper, it's late. What are you doing here?" I explain how I had been collecting some stuff from my locker when I'd noticed the light was on and I thought I'd work on learning a new acro trick. Of course, we had rehearsed all of this earlier. The true reason I was here in the first place was because I was avoiding Finn and Amy and being at the studio seemed like a good place to dance out my feelings.
"Pipes, I was never good at acro. Maybe try asking Richelle." Emily is so deflated, it's so sad to see. It's like her one beam of light has been taken off of her.
"You're a really good teacher though Emily. I want to learn from you." I push. If I don't succeed, Michelle's plan will be ruined.
"I'm sorry Piper, I'm just not really in the mood to teach right now." I don't know how I'm going to get Emily to stay now.
"Okay well can we talk?" I ask. Despite the fact that she is my studio head and choreographer, she will always be the sister of my brother's girlfriend. Eventually, me and Emily could be related.
"Yeah, what's up?" She says. She seems so distracted. I don't know if I've ever seen Emily so unlike herself. I guess that's what happens when a winning Troupe decides they aren't going to Nationals.
"So me and Finn kind of kissed." I say. Her eyes dart straight up to mine.
"What were you thinking? Finn is a teammate and he's dating your best friend, Piper!" I mean at least if she's mad at me, she won't suspect anything.
"I didn't mean to," she cuts me off.
"Do you know how much it hurts when you tell someone that you don't have feelings for their boyfriend and then you go after him anyway?" I had truly hit a sore spot.
"I'm sorry, I just," once again she cuts me off.
"No Piper. You're not. Otherwise you wouldn't have done it." Slowly, she begins to realise what she has just said to me. I try not to take any offence.
"I-I'm sorry, I just really miss Michelle. We actually grew closer after we both got over Eldon. Well, that and the whole studio head thing. I guess I'm not used to having her here with me." I finally begin to understand Emily's outburst when I receive a text saying everything is ready. I've also received five texts from Finn that I'm actively ignoring.
"That must be hard. But when we were on our road to regionals and Amy left, I felt the exact same." As I begin to talk about it all, I wonder how in the world I'm meant to fix this.
"But this isn't about me. This is about you battling with your heart. And I don't want to overstep any boundaries, but I know you Emily. You're the most passionate person I know about dance. Don't let us A Troupers make you lose that." I'm not suggesting Emily leaves the studio and I never would suggest that, but I can't help feeling like she will never enjoy Dance Mania.

"Nationals is everything I've ever worked for. Now I don't have that, or Michelle, I don't know what I'm supposed to look forward to." I almost let it slip that there was something to look forward to. Instead, I veer her off the topic completely.
"There's always B Troupe. They could take part in Nationals." The truth was while I haven't personally gotten too close with Cleo, I feel bad that she got kicked off of A Troupe.
"With all due respect Piper, I'd prefer it if it was A Troupe that competed at Nationals, not  B Troupe. Now I have to go because Riley has just messaged me saying that she has an emergency." The emergency is code for Michelle and I know that my work is done.

Now I can go back to worrying about Finn and Amy.

A/N: So it's been like 5 days, I apologise. I've been trying to sort my life out and once again, I have an injury from dance...which therefore means I should be writing more.

How's your online classes going if you're still having them and if not, how's life going?

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