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Richelle's POV:

Since my conversation with Emily, nobody has seen her. I've thought about what she's said a lot and I'm not sure if that ties into why she hasn't been here. I know that Emily wants our team to go to Nationals, to win Nationals, but that isn't what we want.
"Who's phone's ringing?" Piper asks as we congregate in her house. We figured we would try and form a plan here to find Emily rather than at the studio because Nick seems to think she's just taking a little time off to recover from a sickness bug. Three weeks seems an awfully long time to me though. I glance at my phone, but it isn't ringing. Everyone else seems to do the same.
"No one Pipes." Finn says, his arm around Amy's shoulder. I notice Piper wince and I'm confused. Her and Finn were best friends. I wonder what happened to that.
"Oh okay." She replies, slumping down in her chair. I've never seen her like this. I know that she's always been the nervous type, but she hasn't been the non-caring type before. I'll have to investigate later.
"Anyway, the last thing Emily told me was to research into A Troupe because she thought we should be going to Nationals." I move the conversation onwards.
"And?" Kenzie pries, waiting for information.
"I thought we could all do that together. We know where Emily and Michelle are in life. Piper knows where Riley and James are and Eldon's running AcroNation with Thalia." I say, looking at my notebook for other notes I'd made already.
"Noah's gone professional. He was on the Internationals team and I wasn't sure if that's who Emily meant, but I put him down anyway." I say. I didn't realise how much I missed Noah until I said his name just now.
"But everyone else, we need to research into." I say, writing down each name.
"Why?" Amy asks as if it isn't obvious.
"So we can work out what Emily meant by what she said to me and so we can get her back." I push, hoping no one thinks I'm being too forward. It's not that I don't like Nick, it's just that I adore Emily and I don't want her to leave like this.
"But Richelle, that's not going to help us scope out the competition for Dance Mania." I roll my eyes at Ozzy's announcement. He's so young in comparison to the rest of us. So immature. But I can't help having a soft spot for him. He's the guy who helped me through my break up and I'll forever be grateful for that.
"Just do it, Ozzy." I say. I wish it didn't have to be this way. I wish Emily could just accept the fact that this A Troupe wants to go to Dance Mania and the current B Troupe are so excited to have the opportunity to dance at Nationals. Summer leading them is what's best for them. Now, we need to focus on us.

After we've conducted our research and ordered pizza, we're all just having a bonding night. Honestly, since Noah and Jacquie left, I haven't felt close to A Troupe at all. This was exactly what I needed. Still, I can't help noticing Piper. She hasn't been herself since we got here.
"Hey Pipes, come and get some more pizza with me." I say, hoping she will take the hint.
"But I'm full." She says, flatly.
"Well, you can choose a piece for me then." I say as I help her from the couch.

"What's up?" She asks when we get through to her kitchen. As if she doesn't know why I asked her to come through here.
"No, what's up with you? You've been quiet and panicky all night." I say. I need Piper to open up to me. She might know something about Emily that we don't. She has connections to Riley, meaning she could easily know where Emily is right now.
"It's just something personal." She says. I slam my hand on the countertop a little to hard.
"Piper, if you know something about Emily, now is the time to start talking. Because A Troupe isn't going through all of this for nothing." She shakes her head.
"No, it isn't that. I uh kissed Finn." Out of all the things I expected Piper to say, somehow that was the last.
"What!?" Piper shushes me. I'm so confused.
"That's what I've been panicking about. Now I think you'd like another slice of cheese and tomato." She passes me a slice and I take it, raising my eyebrow at her.
"So you don't know anything about Emily?" She shakes her head.

Now what do we do?

A/N: I've always personally wanted Richelle and Piper to have more of an onscreen relationship so here's the start of it in my fanfiction.

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Thanks, bye!

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