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Emily's POV:

Talking to Summer made me realise that I need to leave. I can't be somewhere where a B Troupe are more dedicated than A Troupe to go to Nationals. I can't be somewhere where a dance captain will willingly sacrifice their spot on A Troupe for everyone else. I can't be somewhere where I know there's no chance of the dancers I hand-picked going to Nationals. I just don't know how to leave.

"Thank you for coming, Mich. I miss you so much." I hug Michelle, knowing that it's her time to leave now.
"Just remember, me and Riley are only a phone call away. And Riley is only a twenty minute drive away." She reminds me. It isn't the same though. I love my sister so incredibly much but it isn't the same as having Michelle with me.
"Yeah, thanks." I can see that she wants to say something else before she leaves but I don't know how to tell her that I want her to stay. It's selfish of me, but I have a life-changing decision to make and I don't want to make it alone.
"And remember, you can reach out to Steph. I'm sure she would love to hear from you." My heart breaks just thinking about my former best friend. Michelle kept in contact with her and apparently she told her, I was always welcome in her life, but I don't know. I wish life wasn't so complicated but as soon as me and Steph lost contact, I knew our bond would never be the same.
"Just one more hug." I pout. I know Michelle has to go but there are so many things that have been left unsaid between us. I think she knows what I'm thinking though. She releases me and I understand that this time I really have to let her go for real.

I'm sat thinking about my conversations with both Summer and Michelle when Nick walks in. Internally, I roll my eyes. I wish he was somewhere else right now because I'm trying to be sad without a happy Englishman to get in my way.
"I'm so glad you agreed to Dance Mania." I remind him that I didn't agree, the team chose and leave. I don't know when I'll be going back in the building, but if I have it my way, it won't be until my A Troupe are going to Nationals. I just can't fathom how even the most dedicated person on the team- Richelle in my opinion- doesn't care about Nationals. Has the next generation of The Next Step seriously moved on that much?

Before I can contemplate anything else, I begin to stuff all of my belongings into my bag. I can't think about this here. I need to leave to make sure this is actually what I want to do.
"Emily, where are you going?" Nick asks me and honestly, I almost throw my bag at him. I refrain and reply.
"I'm just not feeling too great. I'm going to go home and rest for a bit." He nods and tells me that everything is under control. I wish that was true. Everything would be under control if the team were going to Nationals still. Everything would be under control if Michelle and I had bought the studio together. Everything would be under control if Nick wasn't here.
"Okay well get well soon." He says, leaving the room. I sigh. I don't know how I'm going to find the strength to leave, but I know it's what I have to do. Apparently, it's the day for everyone wanting me to do something because once again, Richelle runs in.
"Emily, I was wondering since Summer isn't dance captain anymore, who is it?" I look at her, confused. I thought she knew that I don't assign those things anymore. That's Nick's job.
"I don't know, ask Nick. Do you want my honest opinion though Richelle?"
"Always." She flicks her hair.
"I think you should've gone to Nationals with Summer as your dance captain." I state bluntly. From the look on Richelle's face, it's another confirmation that I need to leave. And fast.
"But Emily, Dance Mania is going to give us incredible opportunities." I sigh again. If only they could see that almost everyone in the A Troupe I was on is a professional dancer now.
"Okay, I need to go now Richelle. But do some research about the old A Troupes. Specifically the one I was a part of and then tell me if you believe that." I say picking up my bag and walking out.

I can't believe it but I'm leaving The Next Step. And I don't know if I'll ever go back.

A/N: So Emily's made her choice...or has she?

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