A.N: Checking the Stats

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Wow... Looking at the current stats... ASK YUGI~! isn't going so well... It was getting hundreds of reads per chapter and now it's like, what, 20?

Where did you all go? xD


I wonder how sucessful this ever was in the first place... The comments seemed to ironically peak when views were going down... That... Doesn't make much sense... *picks up little Yugi doll and sighs*

I've been considering doing a different ASK ___! , but I don't know who I would do... I guess, if you all want a differnt ASK _____!, put it in the comments. I might make it a thing... I've really got no life otherwise.

*sigh* I'm just really pissed... Not about this, but in general. I can't find that Marik action figure (the one with no shirt...), or any per say... I'm serious, they have EVERY figure on Amazon EXCEPT any of the Mariks. Plus my friend is making me more violent.

Someone tried to tickle me so I recoiled and hit them with a book. Wow.

Now, if I do act... Strongly, know its not your faults. It's Amazon and my friend's.

Also don't question my sentence fragments.

And misspellings.

So... In any case...

I still need to do the FNaF thing because I took the request. That will come for sure, but other than that, this might get shut down... It's not being very... Productive.

I DO, however, want to do another ASK ____! but I don't know who to do it with, so if you ahve suggestions, leave them below. If you suggest Yami or Yugi... Well then you obviously haven't read the title, or maybe, by a slim chance, you want this to comtinue.

I'm also taking your requests, seeing as I'm bored 24/7 and I need something to do... I'm not the best author, but I exsist. So... Yeah.

The Cousins currently (and don't ask me how this is possible) has negative zero comments.



Fake numbers aside... Yup. To recap:

-ASK YUGI! isn't doing well

-Amazon's a jerk

-My friend is violent

-Don't tickle me or I'll recoil

-Leave your ASK ____! suggestions in the comments

-I'm taking requests

-The Cousins apparently sucks so bad they needed to invent a new number for it

-Yugi and Yami's FNaF chapter is still happening

-Sorry if I end up taking my anger out on you, it's not because of you guys, my loyal readers.

DJ Elfin; out.

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