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Me: Okay, so instead of moping about not getting any questions, I figured I'd do something different with the stats. I just now realized that there are engagement and demographic stats (some of which may be new) and I want to check them out.

Yami: Okay then... Let's do it, I guess.

Yugi: Do you want me to pull it up?

Me: Sure thing!

Yugi: *waits for the page to load* Oh, and when are we playing FNaF?

Me: probably in the next chapter if we don't get any questions... Which we probably won't. *waits a while* You got it?

Yugi: Yep! *projects it onto a big screen* Here we go!

Me: So it looks like part three and part six had the most votes...

Yami: I don't even remember what happened in those chapters.

Yugi: i don't remember what happened in any of the chapters besides the Barbie Girl one.

Me: Part seven had the most comments, which is most likely because I probably started a conversation with someone in the replies of a comment.

Yami: Now the demographics... I'm interested in these.... I wonder if we have any readers in Egypt...

Me: I doubt it, but let's check. Yugi?

Yugi: *clicks on the demographic tab* Cool graphics.

Me: So as for age... The majority of our readers are between eighteen and twenty-five. That makes up thirty-eight percent. A quater of the ages are private and andother quater is thirteen to eighteen.

Yami: That wasn't much of a surprise.

Yugi: I'm pretty sure everyone reading this is a teenage girl.

Me: Not exactly...

Yugi & Yami: What?

Me: First off... Apparently thirteen percent of our viewers are over fourty five and a quater of them are male.

Yami: Oh wow.

Yugi: But it looks like at least half of our viewers are female, the other quarter is unkown. This is cool...

Me: I feel kind of creepy though....

Yami: I feel creepy no matter what I do! Just scrool down and see if we have any readers in Egypt!

Me: Well a whole seventy five percent of our readers are in the US... About two percent live in Canada, another about two percent is in... Argentina?

Yugi: Okay then... What else?

Me: Twelve percent live in the UK, which was also expected. IF You LIVE in THE UK, TELL ME WHAT IT'S LIKE. MY FRIEND AND I WANT TO MOVE THERE.


Me: I'LL CHECK EGYPT LAST! *cough* Now... Five percent live in Sweden. Okay then. Hello anyone in Sweden reading this god-awful book!

Yugi: Stop insulting your own book.

Yami: And stop insulting me.

Me: Well... about two percent of our readers are in Australia. HELLO! Um... About three percent live in New Zealand... Twelve point five percent live in the Phillippines! That's where my friend Brielle is from! HI BRIELLE! I'M DEDICATING THIS CHAPTER TO YOU SO yoU CAN ACTUALLY SEE THAT I'M SAYING HELLO!

Yami: Do you have to yell so much?

Me: YES! *cough* Moving on... We actually have readers in Japan! About four percent!



Yami: Okay, that is sort of cool. I'll admit that.

Me: Three percent of our readers live in Turkey. That's... Unexpected.

Yami: Okay, can we check Egypt now?

Me: You've been patient for a while and it looks like we're all done with everywhere else... I still doubt we- ... Eleven percent of our readers actually live in Egypt.


Me: SERIOUSLY! THAT ROCKS! *high-fives Yami*

Yami: That's awesome, this thing is awesome.

Me: Hello to all of our readers in Egypt! I don't know how many there are, but apparently you guys make up eleven percent of our readers.

Yugi: Which is shockingly more than Canada.

Me: Well... It looks like that's about it. this was REALLY cool, so I hope to maybe check the demographics again in the future!


Yugi: Yami, you're freaking out a bit...

I'd like to thank everyone who reads this book, no matter what age, gender you are or whever you live in the world! Make sure to leave some questions for Yugi and Yami down below! if there aren't many, we'll probably go right into the FNaF chapter. THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR SUPPORT! I LOVE EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU TO DEATH! \(T^T)/

DJ Elfin; OUT!

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