Yugi and Yami Play FNaF! (+3,000 reads milestone)

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Yami: You're an insane fangirl that's still holding us hear to answer random people's questions?

Yugi: You're a lesbian?

Yami & Me; *turn to look at Yugi* (o-O)

Yugi: ... What?

Me: We have three thousand reads! ~(^v^)~

Yami: You're not a very good dancer you know.

Me: I know. Now, I've decided how things are going to work around here. Everytime we get another thousand reads, we'll complete a milestone which is voted on by the viewers.

Yugi: Oh, so are we doing a milestone for this?

Me: Yupperz! You two are playing Five Nights at FREDDY'S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yami: Weren't we going to play that piece of crap anyways?

Me: Yeah, but I thought it would be a good way to kick the milestone thing off. Afterwards, you all will have to answer more questions. Especially from Author Uprising (which is now what I shall call you). Also, FNaF may be overrated, but it's not a piece of crap.

Yugi: Greeeeaaat... I watched Joey and Tristan play this.

Yami: Tristan wet his pants.

Yugi: Yes. He did.

Me: ... I never wanted to know that. Now here, let me get the game off of Steam or something. I also called a crew to help set the mood.

Yugi: That crew would be...?

Tsugumi: It's me again.

Kouta: And me.

Yami: It's Tsugumi and Horny.

Tsugumi: Don't endulge that joke of his or he'll keep making it.

Yami: I thought it was funny.

Kouta: See, this one has a sense of humor. Up top! *holds up his hand*

Yami: Up what?

Kouta: Nevermind. *Puts hand down*

Me: The game is downloading... This might take a while. Like, an hour.

Yugi: What?

Me: Yeah... I probably should've planned ahead. In the meantime, let's answer some questions. We've got one from Author Uprising and tsugumi and Kouta have gathered some basic questions for the two of you.

Yami: Let's get Author's out of the way, pronto.

Me: That sounded rude, but okay. Paraphrasing, the question was Yami and Yugi, if you were to have a child would you want it to be a boy or a girl and what would you name it.

Yugi: That's... Not humanly possible.

Yami: I'm not human anymore and that's not possible for me either...

Me: Well it IS in the world of fanfiction, and for the reconrd, I could snap my fingers and make BOTH of you pregnant because thi sis MY fanfiction, so I suggest you stop whining about itbeing biologically impossible and answer the questions.

Yugi: I don't know, I'd want a girl.

Yami: I'd want a boy.

Me: ...How about a hermaphrodite?

Yami: ...that works for me.

Yugi: Ooookay... Names? I was thinking... Maybe something cute like Kai.

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