A man, a gun and a diagnosis (pt 2)

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I just wanna let you know that I didn't have time to proofread :(

I pulled up thirteens sleeve ready to inject her.

"This is a level of risk taking beyond anonymous girl-on-girl action." Said House watching

"They're patients. I'm a doctor." Said Thirteen

"With a degenerative, drug-unfriendly illness." I said as I went against my better judgement and injected her arm. She winced.

"Everything's not some fascinating character flaw. Don't overanalyze this, I'm smart, I'll be fine" Said Thirteen looking at House

"This is a genetic flaw. This is your Huntington's speaking. This is you waving a white flag at the world." Said House

"Yes, I have a shortened life span. Another reason why I'm the right choice to test out the medications." She replied matter of factly

I was about to speak but I already injected her. I can't really do anything else.

"So how is this gonna work?" Asked Jason

"Well we think you have herpes, if there's no herpes it will be painful but if herpes is present it will be painless" I explained

Thirteen winced in pain next to me

"Wow! I would have laid money you had herpes." Said House to Thirteen

"Your turn." I said to Jason

"So why are we here? We've ruled out immediate risk of death, lost love. That just leaves... work? You're defined by your work. But you kept seeing doctors, kept missing time. Couldn't focus."

I inject him

"Maybe you made a huge mistake... got fired." Said House

"I just want an answer." Said Jason as he stared at me pulling out the needle

"I know. I'm asking why." Said House

Jason then sat down, grunting in pain.
House went to the wall and drew a line through one of his theories. I guess he has herpes. But that can't be all...

Time skip 15 min

I sat on the floor doing nothing. There was nothing we could do until house figured out a theory. He was currently standing in front of the whiteboard going over the info we have.

I looked over at Jason. He has a thick neck. That's very strange, his build doesn't look like that would be a part of his physicality.
His left eye was also a little droopy.

"His neck. Distended jugular." I blurted our

"What?" Said house

I got up and approached Jason. I reached out to grab his neck.

"What the hell are you doing?" Said Jason

"I am going to try to strangle you faster than you can pull a trigger." I said sarcastically

"She needs to check your pulse dumbass" said House

Jason reluctantly let me check his pulse.

"It's racing. 160." I said

"We need to get paddles." Said thirteen

"Or maybe we could just do nothing." Mumbled a Hostage

"If I get any weaker... And they don't fix it... I'll shoot... you!" Said Jason as he pointed the gun at a random hostage

"Don't. He didn't do anything—" started the random hostages wife

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