Chapter One

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Pansy Parkinson just couldn't deny it anymore. She was in love with the Weasley girl, but she was scared to admit it. In her mind, why would the girl love her after she had bullied her for six years? She just couldn't decide what to do anymore. She sat by herself in a compartment on the Hogwarts Express contemplating what she wanted to do when she heard a soft knock come from the compartment door. She looked up hesitantly and, much to her surprise, saw Ginny Weasley standing there with a slightly sheepish look on her face. Before she could fully understand what she was doing, she got up and let her in. "Hey... can I sit in here with you? Everywhere else is full," Ginny said. "Sure, I don't mind," Pansy replied, scooting over a bit so the other girl could sit next to her. Ginny sat down next to Pansy, but the pair of them didn't talk much for a bit. "So... what are your plans for the school year?" Pansy asked uncertainly. "I dunno. I don't really have any plans, to be honest with you," Ginny replied. "Yeah, me neither," Pansy replied, noticing that Ginny looked like her mind was somewhere else. "What's on your mind?" She asked. "It's just... I haven't seen Harry since the Battle of Hogwarts, and he's not replying to my letters. Ron and Hermione haven't heard from him, either. I don't know what to do," Ginny replied sadly. Oh, yeah, I forgot Ginny's already in love with Harry Potter. What could I possibly be compared to him? Pansy thought to herself. "I feel like... I feel like he's purposely avoiding his friends. It really hurts me, not being able to talk to him or see him," Ginny continued, looking Pansy in the eyes for the first time. Then, something in her face changed, but Pansy couldn't quite put her finger on it. "Uh... What was I talking about?" She asked. "I... I'm not sure, Ginny." Pansy replied, suddenly breathless.

They looked into each other's eyes for what felt like forever. Then, almost as though some unseen force was drawing them to each other, they got closer together, and Ginny tenderly placed her hand on Pansy's cheek. Pansy gasped ever-so-slightly at the contact and mirrored her, putting her own hand on Ginny's cheek. "I have no idea what made me realize this, but I know that, without a doubt, I'm in love with you, Pansy Parkinson," Ginny said, catching Pansy off-guard. "Y-you what?" She asked. "I'm in love with you," Ginny repeated. "That's kinda what I thought you said. I'm in love with you too, Ginny Weasley," Pansy said, then she closed the remaining distance between them. Ginny sighed contentedly as she leaned into the kiss and ran her fingers through Pansy's jet-black hair. "Mmm... if Ron saw us, he'd kill us," she whispered softly in Pansy's ear. "I know, but who cares? He isn't even coming back to Hogwarts this year," Pansy replied with a mischievous smile. "My thoughts exactly," Ginny replied. For the rest of the journey to Hogwarts, the pair talked about their ambitions and joked around about various things.

After the welcoming feast, Pansy approached Ginny. "Congratulations on making Head Girl. I'm really happy for you," she said. "Thanks, Pansy. I really appreciate it," Ginny replied, blushing a little. "Oh, I almost forgot. Before we go to our dormitories for the night, I want to ask you something," Pansy said. "Okay, go ahead," Ginny replied. "Um... heh, sorry, I'm just kinda nervous about asking you this... Ginny, will you be my girlfriend?" Pansy asked. "Are you kidding me?! Of course I will!" Ginny exclaimed happily, hugging Pansy tightly. "Well, see you tomorrow, girlfriend," Pansy said with a wink. "Yeah, see you tomorrow, girlfriend. Sleep well," Ginny replied with a smile.

The following morning, Pansy went to the Great Hall for breakfast, waving at Ginny on her way to the Slytherin table. Ginny waved back, smiling brightly at her. They couldn't wait for their classes, where they planned to sit with each other for all of the ones they shared. After breakfast, they went to their first class of the day, Defense Against the Dark Arts. They hadn't seen their new professor for the class during the welcoming feast or during breakfast, leading them to wonder who was the new professor. When they entered the classroom, Ginny did a double-take. The professor was Harry Potter. Pansy noticed Ginny's reaction and, when Hermione arrived shortly after them, the three of them took their seats together near the front of the class. They were soon joined by an unexpected classmate, who sat next to Hermione. "R-Ron? I thought you weren't coming back this year?" Ginny asked. "Well, I changed my mind. Hermione's the one who persuaded me to, though," Ron replied, giving Hermione a little smile. When he noticed Pansy sitting with them, he started to make a sort of growling noise, until Hermione elbowed him. After a few more minutes, class began, and everyone was told to find a partner and practice casting the Levicorpus spell nonverbally. Ginny partnered with Pansy, and Ron with Hermione. At one point, Ron hit Pansy with the Levicorpus spell, claiming that it was an accident, but Hermione, Pansy, and Ginny were skeptical.

After Defense Against the Dark Arts, Pansy had Herbology, while Ginny had Charms, so they went their separate ways for the time being. They next saw each other in double Potions after their separate Herbology and Charms lessons. Ginny was visibly irritated about something, but refused to talk to Pansy about it until they were alone. The last straw was when Ron said something that Pansy couldn't hear, but Ginny apparently could, as she suddenly slammed her book shut before storming out of the classroom. Pansy asked to be excused, and when Professor Slughorn excused her, she ran after Ginny.

"Ginny, what's going on?" Pansy asked Ginny when she finally found her. "Ron, that's what," she replied bitterly. "What'd he do now?" Pansy asked. "He's just... he's telling me that you're using me. I understand why he would think that, no offense, but I for one know that you've changed. I can see it in your eyes," she said softly, looking into her eyes. "Thanks, Ginny, and no offense taken," Pansy said. "No problem, sweetheart. You know, I find it really interesting that I feel this way already, but I know that I'll always love you, Pansy." Ginny said, moving closer to her. "And I know that I'll always love you too, Ginny," Pansy replied, placing her hand on her cheek and smiling lovingly. "Oh, come here, you." Ginny said, pulling her into a gentle kiss. Pansy gently ran her hand through Ginny's fiery-red hair and deepened the kiss a little bit, causing Ginny to let out a soft sigh of contentment. "I love you so much, Pansy," she murmured into Pansy's lips. "I love you too, Ginny," she replied. "As much as I'd like to stay like this forever, we should get back to class, sweetheart," Ginny said. "I agree," Pansy replied. They returned to Potions hand-in-hand, talking and giggling along the way.

At lunch, Ginny surprised Pansy by sitting with her at the Slytherin table. "Aren't you worried that you'll get told off by McGonagall or something?" She asked. "Nah. She put a new rule in place that allows students to sit with other Houses if they want to spend time with friends," Ginny replied with a smile. Pansy returned the smile and gave Ginny a gentle peck on the cheek, noticing that Ron was looking at her. She suddenly got a mischievous idea, and she pulled Ginny into a deep kiss right then and there. When they separated, Pansy thought to herself, That ought to show him. "Wow... I was not expecting that, but I loved every single second of it," Ginny said breathlessly. "So did I, Princess," Pansy replied, and Ginny looked at her. "What? It's a nickname I came up with for you. You know, like how you call me sweetheart," she explained, and Ginny grinned. "I love that nickname, sweetheart!" She exclaimed, throwing her arms tightly around Pansy, knocking her on her back. "O-oops... sorry," Ginny said, blushing deep red, giving her the illusion that her entire head was on fire. Pansy was out of breath, but she managed to chuckle softly. "Oh, relax. It's all right, Princess," she said. "Yeah, I guess so, heh. I didn't mean to knock you over, sweetheart," she replied as Pansy pulled herself back up. "Uh-oh," she said, seeing Ron get up and start walking over to them. "Yeah, you got that right, sweetheart," Ginny replied nervously.

Word count: 1467 words

"I'm back!" - Maleficent, Descendants

Hey everybody, I'm back! This is my latest book that I'm working on for you guys to enjoy. I don't know why, but I like the thought of Pansy Parkinson and Ginny Weasley as partners. They may be pretty much polar opposites, but as the song says, "Opposites attract." Also, the part about an unseen force was inspired in part by the Jane's Addiction song "Irresistible Force," if anyone was wondering. I'll have some story updates coming soon! Bye for now!

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