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Julia's POV

It was 7 am, when I heard a knock on my window. I groaned, turning over to my side to look. I saw Stan's face, aswell as Richie's, Eddie's Bill's, and Ben's. I got up and opened the window, and all of them looked at Stan.

"Bev called, she needed us." He spoke up, his voice too energetic for being this early in the morning.

I opened the window a bit wider. I rolled my eyes at them. "Fuck you guys for waking me this early."

Their eyes widened slightly as I cursed, but I was tired, hungry, and cranky. 

My bare shoulders shook from the chilled Derry mornings. It was quiet, serene morning, so early that no cars were on the roads, no people were outside.

"Well, come on then, you can get out of the cold while I change and shower." I mumbled, gesturing them inside. "My dad should've already left for work, but if he hasn't, hide under the bed, there's a lot of room down there."

I grabbed a bundle of clothes that were already laid out the day before, a rushed to the bathroom leaving the boys behind.

Stan's POV

"So, what are we gonna do, look around at stuff?" Richie turned to me, walking around the room looking at stuff. "This place is girly."

"R-Rich it's rude to snoop around." Bill glared at him as he pulled a book down from a shelf.

"I'm not snooping, I'm just looking, oh hey this looks interesting." He moved to Julia's desk, which was neatly organized, and a stack of books beside it. There was a little paper folded under there which Richie had pulled out.

"Richie! This isn't right, Julia's a girl, you don't want to be butting into her business." I hissed, looking over at Eddie, who only nodded, reading a comic book from the floor.

"Stan the man, don't you think this is a good opportunity to find out what underwear she wears? You'd be so interested..."

"Jesus Rich, I don't. Get some help or something." I stood up, snatching the paper from his hands.

"Read it then if you don't want me to go into her closet." He basically blackmailed me, teasing me with his eyes. I wanted to scream, or yell how stupid he was. But I didn't. Instead, I unfolded the paper and read it.

"It's just...a bunch of crossed out names." I read the names again. "They're people who went missing. Nope, this isn't important." I put it back.

I looked at her room, and I adored how comfortable and neat it was. It had nicely painted yellow walls, a large book case in the corner filled with books, a white desk by her window.  Ben has opened one of her books, reading it.

"Hey, found something!" Richie whisper yelled, holding up a brown leather book. I could see the engravings of the word 'Diary' on the front, and Bill jumped up and wrenched it out of his hands.

"R-Richie! No!" He put the book back under the bed where it was.

Suddenly we were startled by the door swinging open. Julia's hair was nicely done in a ponytail the perfectly alined from neck to crown. Her deep sea green eyes sparkled in the bright lights of her room and she wore a grey  NASA tee shirt which was tucked into dark blue denim  shorts.

"Ready to go guys?" She asked sweetly. Her head tilted slightly when she spoke 

"Yeah. Yeah, come on guys." I moved to window, opening it wide so we could fit through. I swung my legs over the windowsill and landed feet first into the thick green bushes in front of her window.

Our bikes were still in the grass outside her window laying there, except for mine, which I always propped up.

"Can I ride with someone? I don't want to go all the way around to get my bike." She bit her lip nervously, as if we would say no.

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