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Julia's POV

It was the next morning, and I was wallowing in my own misery. I was curled up in a ball in my bed, wearing a baggy t-shirt and denim shorts. I wasn't even bothered to dress up, knowing that most of my day would be spent inside, thinking if every possible outcome.

My dad strangely installed a phone into my room when I was gone yesterday, and I had no idea why. It had the same number as our landline, so whenever someone called it, both phones would ring.

My heart aching, feeling as if I let my first love slip away just like that. He was everything to me, and now I ruined it. I sat by my phone, waiting for it to ring, in hopes Stan would at least talk to me.

I cried into my pillow for the first few hours of waiting, finally stopping when my phone rang. I jumped up, wiping tears from my eyes.

"Hello?" I asked joyfully, hoping Stan's voice would be on the other side.

To my dismay, it was only Bev. "Hey Julia. We haven't talked in a while."

I slumped over in my bed, unenthusiastically greeting her. I pulled the blankets over my chest, putting the phone on speaker as I laid down.

"I need to talk to you about something." I heard her voice hush, breathing right into the microphone. I wasn't in the mood to talk, especially when I'm jealous of her. "Bill and I kissed after the oath. I think we're like, boyfriend and girlfriend now."

It was almost comical how we both kissed our crushes on the same day, possibly during the the same hour. Hers resulted with love, and mine had failed epically.

"That's great Bev! I have some news for you too." I thought she needed to know, hoping that she wouldn't hear it from Richie. "I kissed Stan."

I heard Bev squeal from the other line, and her mouth was now pressed up against the speaker, cupping her hand around it to quiet her words. "So, are you guys dating? God Julia I didn't even know you liked him!"

I took a deep nervous breath, feeling the humiliation already begin. I wasn't good at all the boy crazed squealing girl talk most girls were interested in. I was terrible at using my words to explain my emotions, displaying them with constant tears and breakdowns.

"I started liking him during the first time we went the to the house Neibolt Street. I didn't tell you because we weren't exactly getting along." I sat up from my bed, leaning back into the wall. I turned the phone off speaker and pressed the plastic up to my ear. "I don't know what Stan and I are yet. But rest assured, I'll tell you as soon as I know"

I heard footsteps in the background of Bev's line, and she quickly shut up for a moment before continuing to speak. "I have to go, but know your feelings are always valid, Julia. Don't back away from them. I hope you and Stan do well. If not, there's many more years left in your life."

Beverly's words sunk in, tears flowing from my tired eyes. I was tired of being miserable, and she gave me a sliver hope to believe in.

"Thanks Bev." I said sweetly into the phone, regretting on how jealous I was of her. "You know I love you, right?"

She giggled on the other line, and responded, "I love you too, Julia. I'll talk to you later."

Bev suddenly hung up, leaving me alone again. My brain was screaming with negative thoughts, listing each way I screwed up in life. I never was an affectionate person before the losers, but right now I just want someone's arms around me, so I could just melt away in them. I hated how I couldn't handle my emotions. I didn't understand why I feel this way, crying at the drop of the hat.

(I Just) Died In Your Arms ~ Stanley UrisHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin