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Julia's POV

We spent the next 5 hours reading while listening to music, since we had so much time to kill. In fact, we were still listening to it when 11 am rolled around, lounging on his couch on either side. Our feet were touching since Stan was relatively tall, and he took more room on his three seater couch.

He had some book about birds and his face was still and content. He looked happy while reading it. I on the other hand, had The Shining , the paper felt cold and crisp in my hands, and I enjoyed the clean smell of a new book. The paperback was heavy, and I balanced it on my knees.

Karma Chameleon was blasting on a record player, which Stan's dad owned since the 70's. I had one too, and I kept all my favorite songs on vinyl. I wish there was an easier way to listen to music, like it could be just at our fingertips, but I'm good what we have now.

Poor Stan, he liked reading in peace and quiet. But I loved having music playing when I read. I could barely concentrate without it. I could see him getting irritated, but he kept a smile and pretended he liked it.

I looked up over the top of my book, and looked at Stan. His curly hair was how he usually had it, and a few hours ago he changed into jeans and a red button down top.

"Stan?" I piped, and he looked up and his eyes locked with mine. "Do you want me to turn off the music? Is it bothering you?"

He cocked his head to one side and smiled, then shook his head.

"No, I'm fine." He lied, and he picked up his book again.

I sighed and I pushed my feet against his, because I needed more room.

Suddenly the phone rang from his kitchen. It startled me, since his phone had an entirely different ringtone than mine. It sounded like a ringing of a small bell, and my phone had a computerized sound like an alarm clock.

Stan hopped up from the couch, mumbling under his breath. He put a book mark before sprinting to the the phone and shoving it up to his ear, and letting out a shaky hello.

His eyes widened and his face went pale. He tapped his fingers anxiously on the phone.

"Are you serious?" He looked at me, and I lifted an eyebrow towards him.

"Alright, Julia and I are coming"

He hung up and threw the phone into the holder, and his fingers still shaking nervously. He was scared, but of what? Who could've called?

"Stan what is it? Who was it?" I asked, putting my book down on the couch and rushing to his side. His eyes were welling with tears, and he stepped a bit away from me, which confused me a bit.

"That was Bill." Stan's voice cracked, his hands hanging by his sides. "It got Beverly. We have to go back to the house."

I knew one day the clown was going to take one of us, but Beverly? It got Beverly? And we have to go fight it? What's even going on?

"We're...going back." I sighed, and paced around his kitchen while nervously playing with my hair. "We're going to be fine he can't k-"

"Yes he can, Jules. He's killed all those kids." Hidden under his voice was a feeling of dread that I wouldn't understand until many years later, that I would only understand when it was too late.

"I don't want to go back. I'm scared." He fell to the floor and buried his face and hands into his knees. He wasn't making much noise, but he seemed to be deep in terror.

"I know Stan, but we have to." I sat right next to him, and threw my arm around his shoulders. I couldn't say or do anything that could possibly make him feel better, but I had to try. I didn't want him to chicken out.

(I Just) Died In Your Arms ~ Stanley UrisWhere stories live. Discover now