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Eddie turned around and saw Bill was now missing too, and started shouting his name.

"Bill! Bill!" He stood up quickly, chasing after him in another long tunnel. Everyone else followed closely behind Eddie, while I stayed behind to help Stan up.

"You didn't have to stay with me." He wiped some of the blood off his cheeks. "I'm sorry for what I said. It wasn't true. I was just upset."

I didn't say anything, as I usually did, and hugged Stan the tightest I have ever hugged him. He was always the one to comfort me, the one I cried to the most. It's the least I could do. His arms almost naturally rested on my waist, and his head rested against mine, staining my cheek with blood.

"I love you Julia." He said softly into my hair. "You're the best friend I have ever had."

My heart skipped a beat, and a rosy blush colored my cheeks. I knew he meant it differently, but with my teenage angst, I used it to motivate me.

"I love you too, Stan. We should go find the others, come on." I grinned, and helped the first couple of steps, before we both simultaneously ran to the sounds of our friends.

We caught up to them, and Eddie had fallen face first into the filthy sewer water below him. He gagged, and spat out the water from his mouth.

"Come on, get out of there dude. That's grey water." Richie says as Eddie scrambled around in the water.

"Oh my god where's my fucking flash light?!" He shrieked, searching in the water.

As if on cue, skulls of Pennywise's victims bobbed up, bouncing in the water. The remaining losers and I screamed on the top of my lungs.

"Come on let's get the fuck out of here! Come on!" Richie yelled helping Eddie up after he finally grabbed his flashlight.

We kept running through the sewers, ignoring the heads that we passed by. My heart started to race. I could feel something bad was going to happen.

We entered the cistern, and we were more amazed than scared for a few moments. There was a tower of toys and objects in the middle teaching up to the sky, and there was daylight shining through and lighting it up. At least for me, that was the first thing I noticed.

Then I laid eyes on Beverly. She was floating in midair, her head was tilted up to the sky, and her fiery auburn hair brushed her shoulders and moved in the wind.

"Holy shit." Richie cursed.

"Bev?" Mike asked hoarsely, his voice shot from all the yelling.

"Beverly?" Ben said her full name, and his tone sounded soft and sweet.

"Bev!" Ben exclaimed, pointing his flashlight up to her.

Clearly something taller than average teen put her up there, because I probably couldn't reach her even if I jumped.

"How is she in the air?" Richie's voice wavered.

Our mouths were all open agape, looking around the cistern.

"Guys." Eddie caught our attention, and we looked the same direction he was looking.

(I Just) Died In Your Arms ~ Stanley UrisWhere stories live. Discover now