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Julia's POV

"You. You did this." Mrs K pointed at all of us, holding Eddie like a small child by the arm. He was still clutching his now broken arm, not uttering a single word. He let himself be pushed around by his mother.

"You know how delicate he is." She spat, going through all of us.

"We were attacked, M-Mrs. K-" Bill started to explain, but the big brute of a woman cut him off.

"No. Don't. Don't try and blame anyone else." She shoves Eds into the car, putting him in the passenger seat. She fumbled around with her keys, which resulted in them falling onto the concrete.

"Let me help-" Bev bent over, but Mrs. K pushed her aside, bending over to get the keys herself.

"Get back!" She snapped, looking down at Bev like she was a cockroach smashed on concrete. "Oh I've heard about you, Ms. Marsh. And I don't want a dirty girl like you touching my son."

Bill looked furious with what Eddie's mom called her.

"Mrs K I-"

"No! You are all monsters! All of you! Eddie's done with you, you hear? Done!" Mrs. K turned back on her heal, and rushed to the drivers seat of the car.

It crushed me as I watched Eddie begin to cry, biting his lip fearfully. I wanted to tell him it was going to be okay, but he wouldn't even look at any of us.

The car turned on, and we watched in silence as his mom took the steering wheel. We followed the car as it drove away, knowing one of us was hurt. The losers and I watched as it drove away, becoming a small dot in the distance.

"I saw the well." Bill claimed, turning around to us. I looked at Ben, who was clutching his ripped up stomach, and back at Stan whose fists were balled up in anger. "W-We know where it is, and n-next time we'll be prepared."

"No!" Stan blurted, looking at him with a furious glare. "No next time Bill! You're insane!"

I agreed with Stan. Those things we saw in their were horrific, and I wasn't looking forward for going back in. We were only kids, and people twice our age were getting killed by this monster.

"Why?" Bev rebuked. "We all know no one else is going to do anything."

"Eddie was nearly killed!" Richie jabbed, his hands in fists as well. He then pointed at Ben's stomach. "And look at this mother fucker, he's leaking hamburger helper!"

"We can't pretend that it's going away." The auburn headed girl says, and anger bubbles up inside me. I don't even know what came over me. All the jealousy of her confidence and sheer size of her stubbornness made me too, be enraged by her. "Ben, you said yourself it comes every 27 years."

"Fine! I'll be 40 and far away from here." Ben says, looking right into Beverly's eyes.

"You said you wanted to be away from here too!" I defended Ben, and I watched Bev look at me with hurt and betrayal.

"Because I want to run towards something! Not away."

"I'm sorry but who invited Molly Ringwald into the group?" Richie sneered, earning the finger from Bev.

"Richie-" Stan tried to deescalate his anger, but he kept on going.

"I'm just saying, let's face facts. Georgie is dead." The last sentence hit Bill like a dagger to his heart, and I could see him lose his temper. "Stop trying to get us killed too."

"Georgie's not dead!" Bill shouted, pushing Richie back from him.

"You couldn't save him, but you can save yourself."

(I Just) Died In Your Arms ~ Stanley UrisWhere stories live. Discover now