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Julia's POV

New Years. The last day of 1989. The last day of being in the 80's and working our way into the 90's. Time is a funny thing, isn't it? In a decade we'd be in the twenty first century. A whole new century.

Of course I hadn't put much mind into how quickly time has been flying, everything seeming to move in warped speed. It felt as if everything happened this year. 1989 was clearly not my year. Good thing I'll end it off with the company of my friends, a sweet celebration to finally be free from the crappy year we had all experienced.

Too bad they wouldn't be here until the evening. It was only noon, the snow making it nearly impossible for me to go anywhere in town since it had reached a depth of over a foot. A blizzard was coming, and knowing my luck it would probably come during my New Years party.

Imagine my surprise when someone knocked on my front door. I ran down the stairs the moment I heard it, my feet slippery from the thicken woolen socks I was wearing. The door was opened by my aunt, who greeted the visitor with a warm welcome. I was poorly dressed in pajamas, so I felt like such an impolite host.

"Hey, Jules." Stan smiled, waving at me breifly as he stripped of his jacket and boots, placing them near the door. My aunt gave me look, raising her eyebrows and sucking in her cheeks, the look she gave when she stopped herself from making a joke so I would squirm in embarrassment.

"Hey Stan, what are you doing here?" I asked sweetly, my cheeks pink and hot in shame. 

"I wanted to see you before your party. I mean, it's okay if you don't want me to. I can go-"

"No, stay. You can come up stairs you know." I gestured towards me. In all honestly I just wanted to be away from my aunt before she teased and ridiculed me in front of my already embarrassed boyfriend.

"Hey, if I hear you two having sex I'm going to break that door down, you hear me?" She called, and my face became so red I thought it would explode, hot like balls of fire.

I grabbed Stan's hand, dragging him up the stairs, as if someone was hot on our trail.

My room was a mess, but it wasn't like Stan cares anyways. He's seen it all, messy, clean, in between, everything. I turned to him, my cheeks still blatantly red. His cheeks were a muted pink color, but the tips of ears were rose colored.

He leaned in to kiss me, but I pushed him away slyly, a smirk spreading across my face.

"Why not?" He whined, sticking his lower lip out, following me with his eyes. I shook my head.

"Save it for New Years, Stan."

"Aw, you're no fun. What, I come here and you aren't going to kiss me?" He continued, and his hands traced the slim edges of my waist, pulling me ever so slightly closer to him. A mess of curls flopped into his eyes, and I bit my lip. He was so irresistible, sweet like candy.

"You're teasing me." I whispered, fiddling with the strings of his jacket.

"Is that so bad?"

"No." I closed my eyes, slowing my breathing. It was so quiet in my room even a mouse could be heard.

"Then kiss me." He said simply, drawing back with his hands behind his back, leaving me desperate for more.

He took a step back. One, two, my heart couldn't take it anymore. I jumped into his arms, throwing myself into him and kissing him with desperation. We both collapsed into my bed, laughing hysterically, as Stan had not expected me to jump like that.

"Jesus, you could give me a warning before you do things like that." I was sat atop of him, feeling his body shake has he laughed, his still grasping for me.

(I Just) Died In Your Arms ~ Stanley Urisحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن