Ch. 3: Figuring it out

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Virgil immediately summons the others, hesitating for a sec before summoning Roman. Right as Roman appears he asks "Why are we here", Then he notices Virgil, he says with a tone no one has ever heard, pure hatred," and with you". 

"Hear me out" Virgil turns to Thomas, "So, Somehow I was here, insulting Thomas" Thomas nods, taking a step back, close to tears again. "but the thing is, I haven't left my room since dinner last night. Patton was the first to understand "are you.... saying what I think you are?". Virgil looks around, hoping Patton wasn't the only one to understand. no one else seemed to understand, "Guys, how cant you see it? Who can impersonate us?" Logan was the next to understand, "are you saying... that Deceit impersonated you and said all of that?" Virgil nodded slightly. Thomas' arms dropped to his side, "I can't..... believe I thought he was you....... I'm so sorry Virgil....". Virgil sighed "i... cant believe I'm gonna say this... but we need to summon Deciet..". Thomas looked down, "ok...". 

Virgil tried to summon Deceit... Nothing.... He tries again..... still nothing. "what the hell?!?" He blurted out without thinking. "Virge calm down" Thomas looks back up. "Why can't he just not be a thing?!" Before another word, he sinks out and goes straight to his room

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