Ch. 8, Mistakes (R,V POV)

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Virgil's POV

The next day is always fun after a mental break down. Better off dead. Better off dead. just repeating these things in my mind.

I open my door and walk out, I turn to go to the steps when bang. I fall to the ground after running into something. I hit my head on the ground pretty hard. "sh-" we were always told not to curse, but it slipped my lips, and there is no turning back. I look up to see what this something was, and standing there was Roman, my vision was going blurry as I saw him lean down. "Virge?" it sounded distant, then blackness. 

Roman's POV

Just another day, nothing to see here. I walk out of my room, planning to talk to Patton, maybe to make me not so down when I feel someone run into me. I look down and see Virgil. "sh-" he says, he knows he isn't supposed to use that language correct? I lean down to help him up, "Virge?" then he passes out, Because of me. I freak out. "PATTON!!" he would know what to do right? Right!?!?!

a few minutes later Patton runs upstairs, "what??" he sees Virgil, "Oh no! what happened???" he kneels down next to him.

"I didn't see him and we ran into each other, he hit his head on the floor and p-passed out"

"ok... not as bad as I thought" he picks him up bridal style and brings him to his room, "he should wake up in a few minutes, but for now, we need to talk to you Roman" He looked at me, which sent a chill down my spine. we walked out of Virgil's room after making sure he was still breathing, Virgil has a tendency to pass out and not wake up for an hour, so we didn't expect anything more than just passing out from the blow to his head. And boy, were we so beyond wrong. 

Im sorry for the cliff hanger... JK, I love cliff hangers UWU. I hope you guys are enjoying reading this as much as I enjoy writing it

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