Ch. 5 Where is Virgil? (Roman's POV)

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After running for what felt like hours I stopped, Virgil was no where, I walked back to the house.
Once I closed the door Pat and Lo ran up to me
"did you find him?!?!" Patton started without giving me a chance to take a step inside
"N-no...." before I could say another word, I did something I never expected myself to do, I slid down the door and curled into a ball. Suddenly, I felt a same pulling feeling of when Thomas wanted us, I looked up and saw the others looking at me, we all let Thomas summon us
            ----------The Living Room---------
As soon as I appeared I regretted it, Thomas looked just like he did when Virgil ducked out, But some how worse.
"I'm gonna get straight to the point, I'm not feeling Anxious again and that some how" Thomas says in his noticeably sarcastic tone, "Makes me Worried" I sighed, not wanting to admit that he ran away, I looked at the others, No one else seemed to be saying anything, so I took a deep breath and started  explaining everything, "he... he ran away..."
Thomas' eyes widened "Wait wait wait, Ran away?! Like, not in his room, ran ran away" Thomas and I noticed at the same time, that I was still wearing his hoodie, I looked down at it, resisting the urge to cry. Why did I care so much? I never cared about him before, why do I care now?
Pat and lo still werent saying anything, i wasnt either
"So, you are telling me. That virgil, isnt just ducking out, but leaving, for good?!"
I looked up immediately "He... he can't leave for good, He cant physically leave you, Righr Logan!?" I turned to logan, ignoring the headache that the sudden turn gave me.
"Well, since he is your fight or flight, he cant technically leave, he will still be some where in the mind... what do we call it? Mind town?"
"Sure, So he is still out there, Can you summon him?!?"
Thomas shakes his head and looks down
"Sadly, he must be in the mind palace or in the dark... sides.. room.."
We all realized it at the same time, Virgil is going to confront Deciet....

SOOOO, I kinda forgot about wattpad due to school, I just remembered today and decided to go ahead and put 4 parts on here since I have them planned out in a note book, now I'm not gonna use a note book, so the story might be a little weirder since I am doing it directly from my.mind, I also have plans for other stories, But This one is still my priority, the others are still a WIP.
Thank you guys so much for understanding!

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