New Country

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Time skip

The sound of our metal door sliding, wakes me up. I jump up from bed now fully awake. A light is shined on my face, and I cover my eyes. I hear gunshots outside and shouting.

"¡Levántate! Nos vamos! ¡Toma las cosas que necesitas!" (Get up! We're leaving! Grab things you need!)

I don't question, I get up along with my brother. We grab our bacpack and dumb out books out, and put clothes in instead. I take valuable things like gifts from my late grandmother. I manage to stuff my cleats in the bag, and I grab my ball. We grab our stuff and meet my parents in the living room. We hurry outside, and put our stuff inside my dads little car. We get in, and my dad turns his ignition on. I look outside the back window as my dad pulls out of the parking spot. 4 houses down, a house is being invaded by men with guns. We drive away as quickly as my dads car can take us. I take one more look at the place I called home as we leave.

We drive for hours and hours, we stop to get gas and food. We're on the road for a day and a half. My brother and I still clueless to where we're going I finally speak up.

"¿A dónde vamos?" (Where are we going?)

"A una vida mejor" (To a better life)

Hours later

We're at the border, it's pretty busy. We all have our papers, my dad fixed my moms and my little brothers. I have mine of course. We check into America after going through procedures. Now in America, feeling so foreign. We stop by a nearby gas station, my dad takes me with him. I know English, I took english classes in mexico all my life. I'm rough in some things but I'm sure I'm understandable?

My dad takes out his wallet, and he shows me some of the money he has. All Mexican Bill's except for one. I hand the cashier the 50 dollar bill.

"30 dollars for 6" I tell him, and my dad stands behind me. The guys give me change back, instead of giving me 20 back he gives me 15.

"Do you think I'm stupid?" I question him, and I have my hand out with the money in my hand. He looks at me shocked. He scrambles on to the register and reopens it.

"Oh my bad, didn't realize you gave me 50" he gives me another 5. I take it and my dad walks outside. He puts gas in the car while I get in the car. My little brother is sound asleep against the car seat. I adjust our stuff, and I move myself closer to him. So he can lean on me for support. I grab his head and put it on my shoulder. It's going to be a tough transition for him, he's only 9. I'm 17, and this is going to be a new way of living. Could I ever feel like I belong?

We make it to a motel, I helped my dad somehow convince the receptionist with our mexican bills to accept them. We have a few days here. We unpack and we all manage to sleep in one bed. I lay awake staring at the ceiling with a ball on my side. It's one of the few things I own now, cause we have barely anything now.

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