A Little Home

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"I wish you could come with me to LA" Demi tells me as we walk through a secluded park, hand in hand. It's been a month since we've seen each other, she's been in LA finishing up an album she orginally took a break from. She came back in hopes to spend some time with me before she has to promote it and go on Tour. She's been in town for a few days now, and we barely just got the opportunity to hang out because I have work and school. She leaves in a couple of days, the days get a little hard but I know I'm not really prepared for the distance when she actually goes on tour.

"I wish that too, sing me a snit bit of one of your songs" I tell her slightly whispering, and she shakes her head. I pout to convince her.

"Come on" I tell her lightly

"Alright" she finally gives in smiling. She clears her throat as I give her my undivided attention.

'I need a voice to echo
I need a light to take me home
I kinda need a hero
Is it you?'- she guides her fingers on my jawline as I lean my head on her shoulder as she sings.

"I think you got enough" she giggles, and I shake my head, I grab her hand to kiss it.

"I need more" I tell her smiling.

"It's all you get"

We spent most of our day, walking and talking. Which is fine by me, I love getting to know her, and time with her is special. When we finally get to her house, I was about to walk home when she calls for me. I turn around, and she jogs over to me. She grabs the lining of my jacket, pulling me closer to her body. She wraps her arms around my neck, mine immediately find themselves at her waist. She hugs me tight, and her scent captivates me. I could definitely get use to it.

"Come inside" she whispers in my ear, she moves her head to look at me.

"Are you sure?" I ask her, and she nods. I nod, we pull away. She grabs my hand, and we walk into her house. It's pretty quiet. My phone starts ringing, and I see the caller ID. My mom, and I swipe to answer it.

"Ven a casa ahora mismo" I hear her angrily, and I know not to fuck with an angry mom. (Come home right now)

"I have to go" I tell her, and she nods sadly, and I kiss her forhead gently, before I bolt out the door. I jog home, and when I get there I let Demi know I made it safe. When I walk in, I see my parents on the couch. I can tell they've been waiting for me, and I see my room door closed. I know that sign, I must have done something wrong because when they yell at me, my brother stays in his room.

Demi POV

"I'm starting to think this MJ you speak so highly of is made up" Dallas teases, making me punch her shoulder lightly. She flicks me off while I send her a glare.

"She was here, but her mom called her" I defend, and Dallas puts her 2 fingers gesturing quotation marks. My mom tells her to knock it off.

"I'm sure she's a real person Dems, I'm glad your finding your way with someone else other then.. well Wilmer" Mom brings up my ex. The only relationship that actually lasted pretty long. My sister snickers at the statement, making me flick her off as I walk away to the living room. My phone vibrates in my back pocket, I take it out to read the new text message.

Matt: Your girlfriend needs a place to stay
Me: wait what, why?
Matt: Her parents kicked her out, saw you two very very close with each other, get it demmmmm
Matt: My bad now is not the time for that. I would take her in but I don't have extra room.

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