Something New

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It's the day after the party. Jessica stayed over at my house, she slept in the same bed as me. My mom didn't want her sleeping on the floor or in the living room by herself. I share the room with my little brother, so the three of us kinda talked a little at night. It's 8 AM, It's Saturday so I'm going to watch some of the local soccer games later on today. Jess will be joining me, and she's told me she's been nonstop texting Demi. I don't have a phone, or ever held one at that so I couldn't get her number. My parents have phones, but not me. Since we just moved here, we haven't had a lot of money for a lot.

"Psst- Are you awake?" Jess whispers and pokes my cheek. I swat her hand away, and lay on the opposite side of her. I hear smack her teeth.

"I just wanted to talk to you about something since your brother is still asleep" she whispers, and I oblige. I turn my body over to face her. I open my eyes, and nod for her to continue.

"It's about Demi"

The mention of her name, jumps my body awake and I'm now very much interested in what Jess is going to say.

"I know that where you lived, you didn't have like.. internet or any I guess.. American music. I know that right now you don't have a phone and of course at school you aren't looking up music because of work... what I'm trying to say is that, you don't know who Demi is"

I look at her confused. I have no idea what she's getting at. She flicks my head annoyingly.

"I wish you just knew. Demi Lovato? She's famous MJ, she's a singer."

I look at her bamboozled. I start laughing, and she gives me an annoyed look.

"You're joking right?"

She shakes her head, she grabs her phone from the stand. She does something on it, she passes me the phone. She clicks an arrow. Then a circle pops up. After a few seconds. Something starts playing, a man on a piano. The camera moves to a women with a microphone stand.... Demi. She started singing, and everything I've heard.. nothing came to me as beautiful as her voice.

She put a lot of passion into the song, and it crushed me.. because whoever inspired her to write it.. she really loved them but they broke her heart. I want to reach out, and hug her. When the video is over, Jess clicks off of it. I see the day it was published, and it wasn't so long ago.

"How come you didn't freak out over her?" I ask Jess.

"Because.. she's been through a lot this year, and when celebrities want to get away for something.. they don't want attention. Trust me I was trying so hard not to scream, but now.. she's my friend." Jess tells me, she goes on her phone to do whatever she's doing. I just nod for a response. I wish I had a phone, I could call her. Listen to her music, her beautiful voice.

"Well that can't be right" I think out loud. Jess looks at me weirdly.

"What? What can't be right?"

"Why would she kiss me? Of all people she could have in the world"

"Maybe that doesn't matter to her"

Demi's PoV

"Is it weird that I just met this girl last night and I already miss talking to her?"

I'm with Sarah and Matt, we're in the living room of my childhood home. Where I've been staying at for while since I came out of rehab.

"Text her" Matt tells me as he files Sarah's nails.

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