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"Estan estrechos, si pasamos la pelota de par en par. Tendremos una mejor oportunidad" (They're narrow, if we pass the ball wide. We'll have a better chance.)

"Tienen a Diego cubriéndome. Intentaré abrir una pista. podemos cambiarme al medio. Danny es mejor por la izquierda" (They have Diego covering me. I'll try to open up a runway. You can shift me to the middle. Danny's better in the left.)

I nod, and we huddle in. When we  disperse, we go back to the feild. We're playing a group of kids from the other side of town. I get in position, I'm going to have to wash my cleats. I'm in a small mud puddle. I brush the wet hair from my face, because it's been sprinkling. I look over to the bleachers, and see Jess and Matt with an umbrella walking over to the bleachers. Luckily the bleachers have a roof. Jess and Demi had hung out one day while I was at work, she met Matt.. Became friends. So now we're here.

It starts to get dark, and the game is over. Some of us chill and talk but I make my way over to the bleachers. A girl with sunglasses on, and a hat is sitting with Jess. As I get closer, I notice who it is. I stop in front of her, and I flex my arms.

"Are you from around here cutie?" I comment, and she giggles while Jess playfully scoffs.

"You're not cute" Jess comments, and she was lightly hit on the shoulder by Demi. I stick my tongue at her, and she flicks me off.

"You did great out there babe" she smiles at me.

"Fuck" I rub the back of my head, I was hit by a ball. I turn around, couple of my friends laughing. I grab the ball, and throw it at them. I was side tackled from the side, and they picked me up. I hear familiar giggles from the bleachers

"Put me the fuck down" I laugh out, and they finally set me down on the grass. I pick myself out, and I dust the grass off of me. Some grass sticks on my skin, and it honestly irritates me.. but I love the smell of grass? I walk over to the girls on the bleachers who were laughing. People with Cameras start to rush over to us, and I immediately grab Demi's hand as we walk to Jess's car. Matt walks on the open side, while Jess walks in front us. Trying to cover Demi.

'Demi who are you dating?'

'Are these your new friends?'

'Are you still with Wilmer?'

'Are you dating this girl?'

The only question that got to me was the mention of Wilmer. Who is he? And does she still have feelings for him? Is she playing with my heart? When we get to the car, Demi goes in first. I hop on next to her while Matt shuts the door for us and gets on the passenger's seat.

"You okay?" I ask her, and she nods giving me a small smile. It must be so hard for her to not be able to enjoy places without being bombarded by cameras shoved in her face. I gently wrap my arm around her shoulder, I bring her to my chest and I place a soft kiss on her forehead. I pull out my brand new phone, that took me a while to get but I managed. I go through twitter, and I see posts about the recent pictures taken only a few mins ago already on media. Headlines "Who are Demi's new friends?" And "Is Demi moving on from Wilmer?" When I see the headline, I click on it. I scroll through the page, and it shows a picture of Demi leaning on to a man, who I believe is Wilmer. He's handsome for sure, has a genuine smile. I read more about him, and it makes me feel even more insecure knowing he treated her so well, and they adore one another. Recently breaking up only a few months ago from a 3 year relationship. How can I compete with that.

"Oh shit" Jess speaks up at the same time we hit a speed bump. My phone falls out of my hands and onto the car floor. I was about to bend down, when Demi suggested to get it. She moved to quickly for me to do it myself. When she picked up, she saw the headline and the picture of her with Wilmer. She looks at me confused, and I look away. We're silent, but not jess and matt who are having their own conversation. When we make it Demi's place. She speaks up as we park in her driveway.

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