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Time Skip

"Gosh she's so weird" I hear someone whisper a couple of lockers down. I've been in school for only a month. My dad works 2 jobs, he works in construction and your typical mexican job.. a small local lawn mowing business. My mom got a custodial job at a clinic and I work at Subway.

"MJ!" I hear my only friend yell from the other end of the hallway. Everyone looks to her, and give weird glances. She runs over to me, and I chuckle.

"I made the team!" She shows me the paper. I look at it and I congratulate her.

"I'll try to stop by and see your games Jess" I tell her, and she excitedly grabs my hand. I shut my locker, and we walk hand in hand to our first period class.

"Dyke" I hear the girl from earlier say about me as we walk by. I stop walking, but Jess didn't notice until my hand she was holding only went to where it could. She turns around, and scolds the girls.

"Do you make fun of others to make yourself feel good? Because that's pretty sad. Having to belittle others because you don't even feel good enough yourself. You may have all of daddies money, and your pretty nice house but in the end of the day.. it's not enough right? Try living in my shoes, maybe you'd appreciate the things you're so privileged to have because my parents had to leave everything they knew to a county they don't know the language to and start from nothing. Call me what you want, it won't fill the void you have" I tell her half through gritted teeth, I tell it to her face so others wouldn't have to hear but her and her friends. She looks at me dumbfounded, and she looks away from me to look at her friends. She doesn't make eye contact with me, she just closes her locker and leaves with her friends.

"Dude you went off. We need you on the debate team!"

"Hmm hard pass" I tell her and she scoffs. Jessica is on the debate team and now softball. I'm not in any teams or clubs, work is more important to me even if it's just making subs.

"I hate calculus" Jess comments as we take our seats in the back of the class.

"Jess, you hate everything" I tell her chuckling. She purses her lips in agreement, nodding.

"I do don't I?"

I nod at her comment shaking my head. Jess is a mess but she's absolutely real with me. She's my only friend here. Jess took the liberty to talk to me my first day considering we we're the only latinas in our calculus class.

"I'm going to my book club later, would you like to come?" Jess asks me, and I look at her tilting my head.

"You are so weird" I tell her causing her to playfully hit my arm. Jess is very.. uptight when it comes to school. Not in the bad way or anything, she takes it seriously. She basically has her whole career planned out. She's been doing community service, and joining clubs when she knew she could.

"Are you guys reading like Harry Potter?"


"Percy Jackson?"

"What? No, Little Women"

"Hmm nah" I tell her, and she grabs her notebook and hits me in the head lightly. I rub it, and I pout.

"Fine no book club. Do you want to go ice skating this Saturday then?"

"I wish but I've already made plans with some kids in the neighborhood"

"Would could possibly be more important then ice skating with your beat friend?" She acts shocked and hurt, but I know she's just playing.

"Soccer" I tell her and her expression changes to an understanding one. She nods, and the bell eventually rings for the class to actually start. Jessica knows that when I get a chance to play soccer, I'm gonna play. My parents can't afford to put me in a league here, and I'm half into the school year so trying out for soccer is to late.


"What?" Jessica responds to one of our classmates whose name I don't even know.

"We're having a party at Eric's, you should come. Bring a bathing suit, he's got a pool" he tells her writing down an address on his notebook. He rips it off the end of the notebook and hands it to Jess.

"What you got there Jessica?" our teacher speaks up, making everyone in the room stare back at us. He makes his way to the back of the class, he grabs the note from Jessica. I mean it's just and address.

"(Adress) - bring your girlfriend to the party too" He reads out loud to the class. I face palm, and I look at the unnamed classmate.

"We aren't dating dude" I tell him, and he puts his arms up in defense.

"I'm sorry!" He whisper yells, and Jess is handed back the note. He looks at us, and he points at me, and he points to another kid. Who is sitting 3 seats farther up from us.


"What why?" I ask, and he looks between Jess and I.

"We aren't dating though" he doesn't believe me. So I get my stuff, and I make my way over to the seat I'm suppose to take ownership of for this class period.

"So your single?" A girl comments from next to me. I tilt my head at her, she sends me a flirty smile. 

"I'm actually extremely unavailable to girls who have girlfriends. Don't think I haven't seen you sucking your girlfriends face in the hallway yesterday" I tell her as kindly as possible. It shuts her up, and she turns farther into her chair. Despite some issues, and mishaps.. this school is sooo much better then the one in Mexico. I get to go during the morning!

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