Before we start in introductions

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I know I said I'd continue Madagascar: Little Pals, but I don't have the proper materials for it at the moment, so it's still on hatius... for now at least. So until then I'm gonna do another story that I'm sure A lot are familiar with. KUNG FU PANDA!

I've been dying to make my own Story from the movie, Like really I'm stoked to do this! Now just to make it clear I just want to say if it looks like I'm copying anyone I am truly sorry about that. But honestly the only Kung Fu Panda Fanfiction I've read is " The Blind Dragon Warrior " and "The Three Tailed Warrior". I want to say that those books are extraordinarily Amazing! I don't even know how to describe how awesome and cool they are. Anyway I'm hoping I don't copy them considering how much I read them, but I'm not to worried because I already have my plot.... I think... anyway back on topic.

I'm going to explain a few things about my Oc. She's a human and ( so sorry this sounds like copying! )  she's mute. The reason why she's mute is because I just watch the silent voice and it was a great movie like it put me into tears. Ok the Silent voice was one of the reasons, the other reason won't be revealed until the second book.

Now that that is out of the way let's get into the BOOK!!!!!!🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩 

Also I've figured out how to get a book cover, but I still haven't figured out how to make and POST THE DARN THING! Don't worry I'll get a book cover on here as soon as a figure out how to use the darn thing.

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