7: Under the Peach tree.

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Po and Emiko we're currently outside under a peach tree on a cliff that gives off a very beautiful view .

Po was standing near the cliff, looking out at the horizon while eating a bunch of peaches he grabbed from the peach tree. While Emiko was sitting right under the tree, what Tigress said to them really stung her deep, sure they weren't the best people for fighting but they were never considered a disgrace.

The siblings were so deep in thought that they hadn't noticed master Oogway coming up with a lamp in his left claw and his staff in his right.

"I see you two have found the sacred peach tree of heavenly wisdom." Oogway smiled at them as he said this.

Po turned around with a disgusting shocked expression. His face was stuffed with  peaches and he was slobbering all over himself. Emiko cringed at the sight.

Po dropped the peaches onto the ground.

"Is that what this is? I'm so sorry I thought it was just a regular peach tree." Po muttered through his stuffed mouth, a slobbery peach fell out of his mouth onto the ground making Emiko held in a urge to vomit. She never really had the strongest stomach in the family.

Oogway walked over to them.

"I understand. You eat when you are upset." Oogway said understandingly.

Po spitted out a peach to his hand.

"Upset? I'm not upset. Why would you think I'm upset." Po mumbled a little bit.


"So why are you both upset." Oogway patiently asked. 

Po made eye contact with Emiko before he let out a sad sigh.

"I probably sucked more then anyone in the history of Kung fu. In the history of China, and the history of sucking."He let out. 

Emiko looked at her brother, eyes full of sympathy and understanding.


"And the Five. Man you should of seen them they totally hate us." 


"How is Shifu ever going to turn me into the dragon warrior." Po said. 

Emiko got up from her spot on the tree and walked over to her brother, she placed her hand on his shoulder and gave him a soft, sad smile. He returned it, but then looked at the ground with a frown. He sighed.

"I mean look at us, we're not like the Five. Emiko doesn't have any claws. I don't have wings, no venom." Po listed. "Even mantis has those.. thingy's."

Po imitated claw thingy's. 

He let out another sigh before going near the cliff with Emiko.

"Maybe me and Emi should just quit and go back to making noodles." Po said as he sat down, Emiko sat down next to him, giving her poor brother a side hug.

Oogway sadly looked at the siblings.

"Quit, don't quit. Noodles don't noodles." Oogway said.

Po and Emiko turn around, looking at the old master.

"You two are to concerned for what was and what will be. There's a saying. Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. But today is a gift, that is why it is called the present." Oogway says. As he turns to leave he uses his staff to knock onto the tree, causing one of the peaches to fall onto Po's paw. 

Once the master leaves Emiko taps her brothers shoulder. He turns to her as she begins to sign.

"Po, I really think we should give this another shot. Even if we are here by accident we should still try to make the best of what we can do."

Po gives his sister a smile, he ruffles her hair and takes a bite out of the peach.

And that's it for this chapter people. Thank you for reading it. 

If you guys haven't  notice I am starting my own little au for gravity falls, I know you guys might not be interested but it would be nice if you guys would check it out. Like I said before I'm not stopping this book, I'm just doing another book just to give me inspiration and something to do while we're all on lock down. I also have been planning the gravity falls fanfic book for quite a while now so I hope it won't be to bad.

The book is called "Sunshine's in our Dimensions". It's a cruddy name but it's all I got.

That's all, again thank you for reading this chapter.

Kung fu panda and it's characters belongs to Dreamworks

My Oc belongs to me.

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