Telling the guys

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********Your POV********

When you got to the house Andy got out of the car and opened your car door you simply said "thank you!" when you got inside the guys wanted to know what happened especially jinxx! Andy said "we are dating!" Your brother said "Y/n I am happy for you really!" you were so happy you said "thanks I am going to go up stairs now! See you in the morning!"
You gave Andy a kiss on the cheek gave your brother a hug and went upstairs! When you got upstairs you checked your iMessage and had one text from Isabella it read :you are such an idiot I saw you at the cheesecake factory with that ugly emo guy!
You got upset and ripped the gauze of and put 8 more cuts on your arms and wrapped them up and started to cry! You fell asleep crying into your pillow!

Jinxx's sister andyXreaderWhere stories live. Discover now