The visit

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You are so excited! You said "Hi I'm Y/N! It is so great to meet you!" kellin said in his hyper tone "hi it is so good to meet you! Andy tells ma a lot about you when we text!" you were starving "how about I go get out of my p.j.s and we can go get some breakfast at I.H.O.P!" kellin screamed "yay lets go get me some pancakes! My belly needs to be fed!" you went up stairs and put on a sleeping with sirens jacket on and so skinny jeans and combat boots! When you got to I.H.O.P you saw your ex's girlfriend Isabella and the cheerleading squad! When you walked in the restaurant and isabella said "Hey Y/N the emo freak you should get a life and stop acting like a bitch!'' you were mad! Andy gave you Hug it calmed you down and gave you an idea! "hey Isabella I am an emo and I'm proud of it and one more thing it's not an emo it is an emu!"you shouted! When you sat down the waitress started to take your guy's order! When she got to Andy she started flirting! After she got you guys your drinks and started waiting the other tables around you! When she brought you guys your pancakes you said "thank you!" as nice as you could! When she came buy to give another table hot Coffee you stuck out your cast! Whicha immediately caused her to trip spilling hot coffee all over herself! Andy looked at you funny! "what she deserved it she was flirting with you!" everyone was laughing at your table! Then kellin said "when we get back to the house lets have a race me as the monkey and Andy as the gazelle who will win!" the waitress interrupted the conversation by handing Andy the check! After he paid all of you guys went home! You found a yard of grass for you guys to have the race on! You counted down "5-4-3-2-1!" the boys took off running the first one that came back was Andy! Jinxx screamed "it is my turn to go against the undefeated gazelle!"Andy caught his breath and got up to the starting line! This time Ashley counted down! The second he said 1 Andy was off! At the last two feet on the way back Jinxx fell on his butt! It was hallarious! You screamed "my undefeated gazelles still goes undefeated! Who dares challenge him!" CC raised his hand! When they came back it was really close but Andy won! Kellin was laughing his but off! Kellin said "I'm sorry bye I have to go practice with the band!"you screamed "boo party pooper!" you guys went back inside! You made dinner steak and mashed potatoes! After wards all of you guys watched The Hobbit Desolation Of Smaug !

Jinxx's sister andyXreaderWhere stories live. Discover now