Stay with me

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Dianne returned from her morning gym session to a silent house. Whilst this wasn't unusual, Joe had videos he was planning on filming today and didn't appear to have woken up. Thinking he'd overslept, she went to wake him up with a coffee.

"Joseph, wake up you lazy slug it's 9 already" she called on her way upstairs.

"Joe come on you're not a teenager, grow up."

Her heart sank when she saw him in bed however. His skin was a grey-green colour, and he was sweating slightly. Not wanting to disturb him she kissed his forehead, gasping when she felt how warm it was. Joe groaned softly in his sleep and slowly rolled over.

"Aww little one, what's wrong?"

"I don't know, I just need sleep." Joe murmured. He head was pounding and the movement required when talking was churning his stomach.

Dianne decided he was probably right but insisted he took some paracetamol to reduce his fever. He couldn't take it on an empty stomach so she brought him some toast. Once she was satisfied that he'd eaten enough and taken the drugs, Joe was allowed to go back to sleep.

Dianne laid with him for a while, he curled up in a foetal position towards her chest and she cradled him softly. After a few hours sleep, he woke suddenly and the little colour that was left on his face drained. Before Dianne could recognise what was happening, put her laptop down that she was editing from and follow Joe to the bathroom, she heard her love throwing up his stomach contents.

"Awww Joseph, let it all out, you're doing really well." She said rubbing his back slowly. He muscles relaxed and he fell back slowly into her arms, his eyes forced shut.

He coughed dryly and retched again. The continuous flow of liquid terrified Dianne if she was honest. She wasn't scared of sick as such, but if Joe was to pass out, she would certainly panic.

"Are you finished for now?" She asked hopefully when he had stopped throwing up.

Joe shook his head and leaned over the bowl of the toilet. He began to spit but half an hour passed and there was no sign of vomit.

"Joe, little one, I think you're okay, let's get you back to bed and I'll grab you a washing up bowl?"

He meekly nodded and accepted Dianne's hand to help him up. Within minutes, he was flat out asleep, snoring softly. Dianne was glad he was getting some rest as the poor boy clearly needed it.

Dianne searched the house for gaviscon or any kind of stomach soothing medicine but had no luck. She sent Joe a quick message saying she was going out for supplies and left for the Sainsbury's down the road.

She couldn't have been gone more than half an hour but there was a horrific stench waiting for her. Joe had obviously been very unwell whilst she was gone. There was sick filling the washing up bowl by his bed, sick on the floor outside the bedroom and sick again just next to the toilet where he had obviously missed. A vacant Joe had positioned himself over the bowl of the toilet swaying slightly. He was too flustered and poorly to even notice Dianne come back.

Despite Dianne's strong stomach, she nearly hurled herself at the smell of the whole apartment and found herself cleaning as much as she could around Joe.

Suddenly, Joe retched loudly, bringing nothing but stomach acid up. He body collapsed and he fell straight into Dianne who had predicted his bodies movements and was positioned perfectly to catch him.

"I feel awful Dot, I don't know why," he croaked into Dianne's chest.

"I know it's horrible, I know"

Joe gagged slightly and Dianne on high alert pushed him off her and over the toilet but there was no sick.

"I think I've got everything out to be honest, can I go back to sleep?"

"Of course, do you want me with you or not?"

Dianne still wanted Joe to feel in control of everything. Joe nodded slightly and held his hands up like a toddler to indicate that he needed help to stand. With some difficulty, Dianne manoeuvred a shaking Joe back to bed and placed the now clean washing up bowl next to him. She tucked herself in, becoming the big spoon and sighing when she felt Joe's high temperature.

"I had so much to do today" Joe whispered softly, Dianne presumed he was half asleep.

"Shhh, we'll worry about it another day."

Once she was satisfied that Joe was flat out, Dianne went to fetch herself some food as it was nearing 5pm and she hadn't eaten anything. She left the door open, to keep an eye on her love. Having not had a conversation with anyone that day, she suddenly felt lonely. Running her fingers through her hair, she sighed. She also had stuff to do today and now it was too late and all she'd accomplished was half a weeks shop.   

Grabbing a glass of water and a thermometer, she went to check on her boy. Tucked up under the covers, she observed how childlike and innocent he looked, more so now than ever. Gently placing the thermometer in his ear, she placed a kiss firmly on his forehead.


"Aww Joseph, you're really poorly" she whispered to herself. It broke her heart seeing her usually bubbly, confident boyfriend so down and weak.

At 8pm, Joe started to wake up slowly. He rolled over to Dianne, overwhelmed with sadness when she wasn't there. Sulking to himself, he grabbed his dressing down and slowly plodded down the stairs. He found Dianne curled up on the sofa editing her new video, but she put her laptop down as soon as Joe appeared.

"What are you doing up? Do you feel any better?"

Joe just shrugged and cuddled into Dianne on the sofa. He was shaking violently, and it took a few seconds for Dianne to realise he was crying.

"Awww Joseph, you're doing so well you know, it's rubbish and shit and you'd do anything for it to end but you've done so well"

Joe stopped crying and Dianne thought she had successfully calmed him down, only for him to run off to the bathroom.

"Not again" Dianne sighed.

She followed him into the bathroom and rubbed his back as he continued to bring up stomach acid. Pulling away from the toilet and shivering violently, Joe was certain he'd never been more ill in his life. He coughed slightly and dry gagged.

Suddenly an overwhelming wave of nausea passed over him. His back muscles tensed and he coughed harshly.

"Oh God." He cried and he projectile vomited food from the bottom of his stomach, completely missing the toilet.

"Deep breaths Joseph, that's it," Dianne was worried he'd hyperventilate if his breathing carried on at this fast pace. She took a moment to calm Joe and began to clean around him whilst he hovered over the toilet bowl. Once she was satisfied with her clean up job she sat down next to her boyfriend and rubbed his back. If he was going to sit here all night, she'd have to keep him company.

"I'm so sorry about today Dot, I wanted us to spend some quality time together." Joe stuttered, his head still in the toilet.

"Hey it's not your fault, you must be feeling rubbish, can I do anything?"

"Just stay with me please?"


Dianne kisses his forehead and pulled joe into a cuddle. He nestled his way into her neck and they remained sat on the toilet floor for hours.

By 10pm they were in bed, both fast asleep and the next day Joe felt a thousand times better.

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