Good Morning

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Beep. Beep. Beep. Goldy groans and slaps her alarm until it turns off. 

“Ugh...good morning.” she mumbles as she sits up and rubs her eyes. “God the worst part about school is waking up so early.” 

“Tell me about it. At least at my old school class didn't start until like nine. You’ve gotta be up at the crack of dawn just to be on time.” 

“AH!” Goldy shrieks and falls off the bed. “UNICORN MANN! How long have you been sitting on my window seat?!?” Unicorn grins sheepishly. 

“About fifteen minutes. Sorry I didn't mean to scare you.” He hops down from the window and offers Goldy his hand. She ignores him and stands up. 

“How did you get into my house?” She demands. Unicorn raises an eyebrow. 

“Goldy I’m a superhero. You think I can't get into a house?” 

“You broke into my house?!?” Goldy yelps angrily. Unicorn smiles nervously.

“Hardly. You left your window unlocked. I just opened the window came inside and closed it behind me.” 

“O-oh.” Goldy falters. Then a new thought brings back her indiginance. 

“Why didn't you wake me up? Were you...were you watching me sleep!?!” Unicorn Flushes and looks away.


“UNICORN MANN! THAT’S NOT OK!” Goly yells indignant. 

“Hey it’s not my fault you look so cute when you sleep!” Unicorn counters crossing his arms. Goldy blushes and turns away stammering. 

“I-ah-I um...well I...t-thanks…” She crosses her arms and takes a calming breath. “I-its no big deal. Why did you come so early?” Unicorn looks away and mutters. 

“I don't know where the school is…” 

“Pfft…” Goldy snickers and claps her hand over her mouth. “ can’t find the s-school?” She stammers trying hard not to laugh. Unicorn rolls his eyes. 

“Goldy its been years and you know I’m terrible at remembering things. I’d forget my head if it wasn't attached to my body.” Goldy collapses onto the floor laughing hysterically. 

“Ahahahahahahaha! Y-y-you would forget...Hahahahaha!” Unicorn smirks sardonically. 

“Yah yah laugh it up.” He grabs a pillow and ruefully tosses it at Goldy. “Get up and get dressed.” Goldy gets up still giggling. 

“Oooooh...alright. Then get your butt out of my room so I can change.” Unicorn grins. 

“Can do.” He hops onto the window seat and opens the window. “Meet you outside!” He smiles at her then falls back out of the window and disappears. Goldy grins and draws the curtains then starts getting changed. Ten minutes later she’s all ready to go and heading out the door. The whole time a sentence plays over and over in her mind. 

“Hey it’s not my fault you look so cute when you sleep…”

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