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"Wow. How did I miss this?" Goldy giggles.

"Honestly I have no idea. It such a big campus!" Unicorn sighs.

"Guess I'm just a moron." Goldy smiles and hugs him.

"Don't say that! Its my job to be the stupid one!" Unicorn chuckles.

"Alright, I'll try to keep a grip on my sanity so at least one of us has some." Goldy grins.

"Sounds good. C'mon lets get your class list!" Unicorn nods.

"Okie doki lead the way!"

"What did you get what did you get?" Goldy asks pouncing on Unicorn as soon as he leaves the office. He laughs and tried to snatches his list back from her.

"Give me that!" Goldy giggles and reads it.

"Oh cool! You have two classes yourself two with Ryan, and three with me!" Unicorn grins.

"Sweet! Sounds great." Just then the bell rings. "Shoot I better run." Goldy nods.

"I'll see you next period!" She waves and rushes off to class. Unicorn smiles as he watches her runs off then heads off to his own class.

Unicorn Mann sighs and doodles in his sketchbook. Sometimes being smart was annoying. He only had to listen for about two minutes of his class to figure out that he already knew the math lesson that was being taught. So he effectively listens to the lesson with part of his mind while using another part for his own personal thoughts. His mind wanders as he shades and sketches.

"Luke!" He looks up.

"Yes mam?"

"I suppose since you seem so sure you don't need to listen, you can answer the problem on the board for us. Unicorn mental rolls his eyes and glances at the problem on the board.

X equals minus negative six plus or minus the square root of negative six squared minus four times one times nine divided by two. What is x? Unicorn does some quick math and answers almost immediately.

"X is equal to three." The teacher looks shocked then nods.

"Yes...yes that is the next we will be looking at..." Unicorn smiles a little smugly and goes but to shading a blossom. Finally the bell rings. He grabs his backpack and walks out of the room.

"Finally," He thinks. "Next class...history. With Goldy." He smiles. "Bond to be more interesting. He turns the corner and heads down the hall. A few turns later and Unicorn realizes something.

"Shoot...I don't know where I am. Crud I'm lost!" Irritated he hurries through the mazes of hallways. Then he hears it. A girl's faint scream.

"What in the world?" He mutters as he hurries towards the noise. The scream comes again, closer this time and is followed by words.

"Stop it! Get away from me creep!" Unicorn speeds up following the noise. Suddenly he hears a muffled shriek close by. He turns down a hallway and comes face to face with the source of the noise. Goldy is backed up against a locker her eyes wide a look of horror on her face. Pinning her there is a tall brown haired boy a confident smirk on his face. The pieces of the picture doesn't quite come together Until the boy grips Goldy's waist and press his lips against hers. 

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