Don't Call Me Cute

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(WARNING- does contain some bad language. You have been warned)
Bang! The boy gasps as he is yanked away from Goldy and slammed into the opposite wall his feet dangling inches off the ground. Goldy gasps and falls back against the lockers panting and glaring at the boy with hatred. Before he can object or explain the grip around his neck pinning him to the wall tightens threatening to choke him. He stares in horror at the boy holding him there anger burning in his green eyes to the point where they almost seem to glow. He starts to scream but a hand goes over his mouth effectively silencing him. 

"You're lucky she's here." Unicorn growls nodding in Goldys direction. "Or I'd give you a beating you wouldn't forget. As is I'm gonna let you down now. And you're gonna explain yourself." The boy nods rapidly. Unicorn slowly takes his hand away from the boy's mouth. He smiles when the boy doesn't scream and takes his hand away from the boy's throat letting him drop to the floor. 

"Ow." The boy mutters dryly. 

"Who are you?" Unicorn demands. The boy sighs and climbs to his feet. 

"My name is Casper. Who are you?" Unicorn folds his arms and scowls. 

"The name's Luke. Now tell me what kind of stunt you were trying to pull!" Casper rolls his eyes and leans against the wall. 

"I was just walking down the hall and I saw this pretty girl all by herself. She looked lonely, I thought she could use some lovin'." He smiles and winks at Goldy. Goldy glares at him and moves away from the lockers to stand closer to Unicorn. 

"Didn't sound like she wanted you to give her any of your love." Unicorn counters. Casper grins slyly.

"Sometimes they don't know what they want ‘till you give it to them. Isn't that right Sunflower?" Goldy scowls at him. 

“Don’t call me that! I’m not your stupid Sunflower! Just leave me alone!” Casper darts behind her and grabs her wrists.

“Awe don’t be like that. Just give me a chance, I’m sure you’ll come about another kiss cutie?” Shock horror and rage play across Goldy’s face. She twists one hand free and punched Casper hard in the face. Casper screams and falls back a hand clutched over his eye. Goldy flies at him kicking and punching. Unicorn grabs her arms and gentle but firmly drags her away. 

“Whoa whoa whoa! Break it up!” Goldy struggles to get at Casper screaming fiercely. 

“Cómo te atreves a llamarme linda, puta! Maldito hijo de puta! Te destrozaré!” Unicorn’s eyes widen in shock and he tries hard not to laugh. 

“Goldy! Calm down! Cálmese!” Goldy’s breath slows and she stops struggling. Unicorn lets her go and she forces a smile although her eyes are hard. 

“I’m sorry. Just...leave me be Casper. I’ll see you in class Un-Luke.” With one last cutting glare at Casper she grabs her bag and stalks away. Unicorn stares after her in awe. Casper gets up with the help of the lockers and looks at Unicorn terrified and confused. 

“W-what...what was she saying? She was talking in gibberish!” Unicorn sighs and rolls his eyes. 

“No she was speaking in Spanish.” 

“O-oh…” Casper falters. “What did she say?” Unicorn smiles a bit condescending. 

“The literal translation was, ‘How dare you call me cute, slut! Damn motherfucker! I will tear you apart!’ But puta can also mean bitch hooker and whore not just slut. So she could have been saying a few things. Anyway have a good day!” He turns and walks away after Goldy leaving Casper staring after him in shock. 

A Strange HomecomeingTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon