A New Threat

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(This will be a very short chapter) 


"I thought I said no interruptions!!!" The boy cowers in fear and says shakily, "y-yes sir I'm so sorry to disturb you! But we just received word that...that Archnia has been killed!"

"WHAT?!?" The boy backs away shaking as Chrome slowly stands and turns to face him. "How did this happen?" He hisses angrily.

"S-she was killed by the protector of your future realm Master!" Chrome growls softly and nods.

"What do you know about this...protector."

"He's some form of mutant like the others. But we've never seen anything like him, he's so powerful!" Chrome turns and walks to the window. He stares out the glass at the stars in silence then says his voice shaking with rage.

"What do they call this "hero" this protector?"

"U-Unicorn Mann sir..." the boy quavers.

"Unicorn Mann..." Chrome whispers the name to himself. "Yes...prepare my ship Minnow! And alert my troops to prepare."

"Right away sir!" Minnow says saluting and rushing away. Chrome nods and smirks looking out at earth.

"No one is without weakness...and your weakness Unicorn Mann shall be mine to control..."

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