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"WHOOOOO!" Unicorn laughs and spins tumbling through the air. The wind rushes past whipping his hair and the ground was rushing up to meet him. At the last second he pulled up and zooms up into the sky. Higher and higher until the clouds spin and the earth receeds out if sight below him. He pulls to stop panting and looking around at the cloud-world.

It's so peaceful... A light ringing fills his ears and he shakes his head to clear it. It only grows loud.

"Sirens." Unicorn drops back down through the clouds and races down towards the city.


"Stay behind me Goldy."

"I'll show her Ryan! I'm zip in and hit her BAM! BAM! And..."

"Shut up Dart I'm trying to think!"

"All of you shut up!"

"Or what?"


"Or I'll bite you..." she leers grinning a fanged grin. "Or better yet, I'll bite the little girl!"

"Don't you dare!" Ryan yells stepping protectively in front of Goldy.

"Oh a brave boy!" She smirks. "A pity. I'll eat you first!" She darts forward and snaps her jaws. BAM! Something slams into her and she's thrown back into the ground.

"RYAN!" Goldy screams.

"I-I ok..." Ryan says, his heart pounding.

"WHAT!" she shrieks. "YOU!" Goldy peaks around Ryan and smiles. Unicorn stands and glares at the attacker.

"Arachnia." The spider girl glares at Unicorn her fangs dripping with saliva a madnened look in her eyes.

"UNICORN MANN!" Unicorn smirks.

"Surprise! You picked the wrong group to mess with, mutant." Arachnia hisses in fury.

"You insignificant gnat! You always ruin everything! Step aside and let me enjoy my meal in peace before I obliterate you!" Unicorn thinks for a moment then crosses his arms and states a definitive answer.

"No." Arachnia screams in fury and lunges forward. Unicorn bolts out the way leaving Arachnia with a mouthful of concrete.

"Ryan, Dart, Goldy get the hell outta here!" He yells and a furious Arachnia weeks around the face him. Her eight eyes twitch and blink in hatred. Unicorn flies up and circles around Arachnia blasting her with fire. Arachnia shrieks as the flames scorch her thick skin and throws herself at Unicorn knocking him out of the air and pinning him to the ground. Unicorn gasps as he's slammed into the concrete.

"Unicorn!" Goldy screams and bolts forward. Ryan grabs her arms and drags her back.

"Goldy don't be an idiot! You can't help him!" Arachnia cackles and darts to strike. Unicorn rolls out of the way just in time and jumps to his feet.

"Goldy get out!" He yells. "What are you guys still waiting for, scram!"

"Get over here you parasite!" Arachnia screams and charges at him. Unicorn waves his hand and a glowing white sword appears crackling with energy. He grabs it and bolts at Arachnia. Slice! Arachnia screams and falls to her knees clutching her severed arm. She turns suddenly and hurls herself at him barely missing. One of her fangs grazes his shoulder and blood wells up. Unicorn winces and dodges back. Arachnia cackles cradling her injury.

"Next time I won't miss. I'll tear you to pieces."

"I'd like to see you try." Unicorn shoots back. Archnia smirks.

"Rule one of a fight, never get cocky." she stands quickly suddenly uninjured and hurls herself at him. Unicorn watches then drops to his knees at the last second and buries the sword in her gut. Archnia screams shrilly and collapses twitching. Finally she moans one last time and lays still. Unicorn pushes her away and gets up. He looks down at Arachnia's body then up at his friends.

"I think...I think we're good." 

A Strange HomecomeingTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang